Chapter Ten.

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Hey guys! I know i suck at updating but here's a chapter for you.


 Chapter Ten.

Skylers POV.

Did that just happen?! No it can't be. I must be dreaming. I pinched myself and felt pain. Opps. It did happen! Oh my god. I just made out with Dean fucking Black and it was puurfeecccttt! I let out a sequel and eyes snapped in my direction. I bit my lip embarresed and rushed outside wanting some air. Once I'm out i sighed happily. I finally kissed Dean. Well that did not consider a kiss. It was a pretty hot make out season but who's complaining? not me! I touched my bottom lip with my index finger and it was still trembling from the kiss. I bit my lip and let out my phone from my clutch bag and saw the clock. Wow it was 12:20 already?! I decided to walk home seeing as Chloe was probably getting it somewhere in the house with Nick and the other girls too. Urgh i do not wanna think of that. I started walking heading to my house. My house isn't so far from here it'll probably take 15 minutes for me to get there. I'm not too drunk thank God or ill already drooling right now. After what felt like a century which was probably only 5 minutes i was down the road and far from the loud music of the party.

I was in a dark road. There was not a single light. Only the moons. The lights of the houses were out. That's odd and I'm really terrified. I heard about kidnaps happening to girls my age these days and they end up getting murdered or dying of starvation and torture. I took off my heels and held them in my hands and started walking faster. I felt watched. Like someone is watching me from a far distance. I heard a can drop to the ground and my blood ran cold. I looked around me but spotted nothing out of place. It was probably a cat. Yeah a cat sounds good. I held my heels and my cluch bag tighter and started running. I heard footsteps behind me and ran faster. I turned around to see who it was but it was too dark all i saw was a dark figure running towards me. I ran some more but i grew tired. I still hear footsteps coming towards me and they were getting closer. I looked closer and recognised his face. What was his name? Colton? nah. Oh right Jorden. Why the heck is he following me? I now see a big black van coming to a stop towards us. Jorden and the van were getting closer. I squanted my eyes, searching his face even though he was kind off far.  I saw a dangerous evil glint in his eyes. They weren't at all soft. They were darker than their usual colour which was greenish blue. He got even closer and smirked. An evil smirk.

He had a killer look on his face. I saw him take something from his back and saw it was a gun. He pointed it towards me. I gasped and took a step back. He saw the fear in my eyes and i tried desguising it but failed eventually. "W-what are you doing?" I stuttered and cursed under my breath. So much for not wanting to show my fear. "Oh is the little princess scared?" that man is sick. I've known him for what a less than one hour and he already tries to kill me?! "You're sick." I spat my voice full of venom and hatered. I really liked him at first but turns out he's sick in the head.

He stepped towards me and i started getting really scared. I looked behind him and saw Dean getting much closer. I figured i could distract him while Dean comes to my rescue and started thinking how. Maybe i could use some moves from my karate class which i only went twice and it was 3 years ago. Its worth a shot. "Skyler!" Dean called out my name and Jorden turned his neck around to see who it was but the gun was still raised towards me. I took this chance and kicked my left feet of the ground and it came in contact with his hand and knocked the gun of his hand. He stared at me shocked. "You little bitch!" he screamed like a lunatic but i already had the gun pointed at him. "What do you want?" I asked rising my voice. The gun still pointed at him. I just realised that the black van is nowhere to be found.

Karmas a bitch. isn't it Jorden?

Jorden forgot that Dean is now here with us. So Dean took him by surprise hitting him on the head. Jorden cursed and held his head. When he was about to turn around and throw a punch in Deans direction Dean had other plans. He let out his right foot in front of Jordens right foot and pull his foot backwards making him trip and fall on his knees. He cursed loud. "What do you want Jorden?" I asked sternly. "To break his little heart." He says in a low dark voice. He looks up at me and i gasp from the look he gave me. His eyes were dark almost black and behind em is something i couldn't quiet put my finger on. Hurt? Maybe. I held the gun tighter in my hand and focused on him. Dean was still behind him holding a gun to Jordens head. His face was full of anger. It was red and he was breathing hard. "W-what do you mean?" I stutter tightening my hands tighter on the gun. "Wow are you that dumb Skyler?" Jorden rolls his eyes obviously bored. Dean kicked his side making him wince in pain. Obviously he didn't like his attitude. "Just answer the fucking question." I rose my voice. Dean was probably staring at me with amusment at my outburst. "Oh and she curses too." Jorden says sarcastically while looking at me. He thinks he's funny. I looked at Dean and saw him hit Jordens head with the gun. "Enough with comebacks dumb shit." Dean says his voice full of anger and rage. Holly sweet cheesecakes he sounds so fucking hot. Its such a turn on when he's mad.

Stop it Skyler! Now's not the time to get turned on.

I mentally slap myself and focuse at Jordens words. "Are you blind? He's in love with you." Wait. Hold on. What is he fucking talking about? Who the hell is in love with me? I looked at him my face full of confusion and lock eyes with Dean. His face was emotionless. He swallowed his adam apple showing making him look even more sexier than he already is. "What are you talking about?" I'm sure that he belongs in a mental hospital he's not making any sense. His next few words put me in a train of shock.

"Dean Black is in love with you."

Authors Note.

I'm so so so so so sorry about not updating in like 3 weeks but i've been really busy and had no idea what to write so i hope you like this chapter! I'm not proud of it. I feel like it's too early for Dean to love Skyler but it feels so right in this moment. Sorry if its short!

You guys are probably wondering why i don't say much about Dean but the truth is he's trying to forget his dark past and start fresh and you will know about his past in the few next chapters. again I'm so sorry for not updating! I wanna thank you all for supporting me so much. You guys are the reason why i keep writing. Thank you so much! I love you all<3

don't forget to vote, comment and share!

-Modhi xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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