Chapter Five.

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hey guys! so okay i know i haven't posted in like almost a week and i'm sorry!

but he're chapter 5!

Chapter Five.

Skylers POV

i woke up the next mornig with Dean still on my mind. i couln't stop thinking about him all night. his smirk, his pink plump lips, his hair, his look, his everything! Ugh i can't believe a guy i haven't even met makes me feel this way. i mean sure he's hot, sexy and everything but no other guy have made me feel this way before! it's terrifying me to the edge.

i shook my head to get him out of my mind and took a shower. after 15 minutes i got out of the bathroom and started getting ready. i went into my closet and picked up an outfit i bought before we came to Cali. it's high-waisted light jeans shorts and a yellow shirt that i tugged in. i put them on and let my hair dry itself.

i put on my white converse and started putting some eyeliner, mascara and a little bronze blush. i took one last look in the mirror and smiled to myslelf. i took my phone and backpack and went downstairs. i saw my mom in the kitchen when she saw me she smiled and i kissed her cheek. we started talking while we're having breakfast.

Jess came down minutes later and he was holding hands with Bella she lightened up when she saw me and ran to hugged me. i hugged her back and kissed her cheek. Me and Bella have an amazing relationship. even though she's still 5 but we connect easily. i love her so much and i know she loves me too. i got in the car with Jess and headed to school.

10 minutes later i arrived to school and told Jess to pick me up at 3. i walked till i got to my locker and started getting my books. it's my 3rd day of school and i still hear comments about how hot i am. i love this school! while i was getting my books, suddenly the whole hallway went silent and whispers took over. i knew who it was so when i turned around i saw him looking towards me and immediatly my heart rate rose. Damn he looks sexy! stupid crush. i looked away when i saw him coming my way. My heart started beating fast and i tried taking deep breaths. whispers are still heard and i could feel his presence behind me. i took a deep breath and turned around and saw him checking me out. "Perv." i mumbled and rolled my eyes. He chuckled when he heard me and winked. i fought the urge not to make out with him in the hallway. the bell rang and i let out a breath that i didn't even know i was holding. he was still there watching my every movement i stared at him waiting for him to move out of my way so i can get to class. i took a step towards him but he never moved an inch! "Do you mind? i need to get to class." i said annoyed. He chuckled and moved away a little. i started walking till i was pulled back against a hard chest that make's my heart race. he had his arms wrapped around my waist from behind and his face near my neck. i pushed away from him a little and faced him. he gets close to my face and my breath get caught in my throat from how gorgeous he is. i got lost in his eyes and saw him getting closer to my face and snapped out of it. he's a player for God's sake! i can't let his gorgeous eyes and bad boy attitude get to me! so i turned around and walked away. when i turned and saw his face full of confusion and surprise i knew i got to him. i flashed him a smirk and started walking to my class 10 minutes late.

i didn't get detention thank God. after class, i was heading to my locker when i got dragged into a dark room. i guess it's the janitors closet. when i opened my mouth to scream a hand came in contact with my mouth and muffled the scream. my heart started beating fast. i enhaled a scent and knew who it was immediately. Dean Black.

i started struggling in his arms but he's too strong. i gave up minutes later and he turned me over. there was a little light on his face making him look an angel. his honey eyes shining like stars and his soft hair is spread all over his hair in a lazy sexy way. his lips so pink and kissable. i pushed his chest a little to get some space between us. he was staring at me from head to toe. i crossed my arms above my chest and rose a perfect eyebrow.

"what do you think you're doing?" i asked my voice full of annoyance. "winning a hot girl." he smirked. i tried to resist. " hah, and what makes you think i want you?" i uncrossed my arms from my chest and put em on my hips waiting for his answer. "because a hot girl like you, would want a hot guy like me." he answered, his voice full of confidence and a hint of a smirk he's trying to hide. he took a step towards me and a took a step back and this continued till my back hit a wall. i cursed under my breath seeing as he was inchs away from me. my heart rate rose. he smirked in victory and put his palms on the wall on either side of my head and stared into my eyes. i stared back and started getting butterflies. damn it! pull your shit together Skyer! don't show him that he makes you weak.

i tried pushing at his chest but he only got closer. damn this boy works out! he chuckled once i gave up trying to push him away and huffed. " what do you want?" i asked annoyed. "you." his husky vocie whispered and almost fell to my knees from how sexy his voice is. "w-what?" i stuttered. "i said i want you." he answered. his eyes dancing in amusement at my nervousness. i stepped on my tippy toes and got closer to his ear i felt him tense up and then relax. " sorry to burst your bubble but i'm not interested." i whispered huskily. i saw he was in a daze and got under his arm, opened the door and snuck out. i walked to my locker and took my Maths book, i checked the clock on my phone and saw i was 15 minutes late to class. damn you Dean.

i walked to class quickly and opened the door. all eyes were on me. " Mrs. Brookes, you finally joined us. care to explain why you were-" he checked his clock and continued " 15 minutes late to class?"  "I'm sorry Mr. Jane, i promise i won't be late again." i replied hoping i won't get a detention. "I'm sure you won't. you have detention after school for an hour." he said and i huffed. great. i got to my seat and started paying attention to class. seconds later came Dean and Mr. Jane gave him a detention immediately without any discussions. he started looking for a seat until he found an empty seat beside me and my eyes went wide. oh God please don't let him sit next to me. he smirked my way when he saw my face expression and sat next to me on my right. he got closer to me and whispered "hey hotstuff." huskily in my ear and he put his palm on my thigh. i swear i felt my panties get soaked from this simple movement. i tried acting not interested. i rolled my eyes and took his hands away from my thigh. "baby don't be like this, i know you want me." he whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. i bit my lip fighting the urge not to moan. "I'm not your baby and what part of I'm not interested don't you understand?" i snapped. " the not part." he chuckled and moved away from me.

class ended and thank God i got away from Dean. after Chemistry finished it was lunch time.  i sat with Chloe and Nick and she introduced me to some of her friends Adriana and Alison. they're both so beautiful. we chatted for a while getting to know each other.

the bell rang after 30 minutes, i said bye to the girls and Nick and headed towards my class.  the day flew by quickly and it was detention time. i texted Jess telling him i got detention and he could come pick me up in an  hour. i got to detention and after 5 minutes i got bored already. Dean came in 10 minutes late but the teacher couldn't care less. he smirked when he saw me and came to sit next to me. "what's your name beautiful?" he smirked showing his pearl whites. "has anyone told you how cheesy you sound?" i rose an eyebrow while looking at him. "no. has anyone ever told you how sexy you look on these shorts?" he bit his lip sexily. "no but no i know." i smiled confidently. " my name's Skyler." i introduced myself. "Skyler.." he tested my name on his lips and DAMN it sounded sexy as fuck! i bit my lip and looked at him. "I love your name Skyler." he winked and i rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm guessing you know who i am." he said. "should i?" i replied playing dumb. i knew him. Chloe said he's the school's bad boy and criminal. but that's all i know. i don't know his story or anything about him. "you don't know me?" he replied wide eyed. " again should i know you?" i said getting bored. "I'm Dean Black."  he replied.

Authors Note

i'm so sorry guys i know this chapter sucks but i had no idea how to let them meet! but i hope you like it!

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