Vampires Make Everything More Interesting - Chapter 5

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As Max walked home all that had just happened began to finally sink in. She began to slowly stop walking. It was so much to take in all at once, in only a few hours her life had changed drastically, and she couldn't tell anyone. Well technically Synclair had never said anything about not telling anyone, but it most likely went without saying. It was very safe to assume that when a vampire that you didn't think existed comes and makes you his servant to avoid contact with humans who don't think he exists, you shouldn't tell anybody. Even if you did, the odds of anyone who wasn't crazy believing you is not good, but the odds of getting labeled as crazy were very good. So Max was stuck with a big life changing secret. This was going to take some time to get used to this.

Max finally arrived at her house after much contemplating about vampires, and servitude. She had been walking so slowly that by the time she got to her house it was already 1:30 a.m., and unfortunately for her her parents were still awake, waiting. "MAXINE JOANNE DERAVNE!!!! Max was screwed now, she was about to get assaulted by "concern" from her parents, and she had to come up with an excuse fast. She got so preoccupied being dumbfounded by all the unreal things going on around her that she had completely forgotten about the very real parents who had wanted her home two and a half hours ago. "WHERE ON EARTH HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Max's mom screamed at her. Thankfully Max was pretty good at thinking on her feet and had already come up with a decent excuse "I'm really sorry mom," she began, now that she actually had something she needed to hide she didn't mind kissing ass anymore "but you see, at work we got all this fake blood in, and well Tod, the manager, was stupid enough to put it on a top shelf. Then of course the stupid shelf got bumped by a customer while we were closing up at 10, and it took forever to clean it all up, it was such a mess. It got all over the floor and other merchandize, ugh it was such a pain. So that's why I am late. I would have called, but I didn't want to bother you so late at night so I figured I would just tell you tomorrow morning." Max finished, proud of her excuse, especially since she could see the lines of anger slowing smoothing out of her mother's face. Though, her mother was becoming more relaxed due to the polite tone her usually angry sarcastic daughter was taking, rather than the good excuse she had just made.

Her mother just looked at her and sighed, it was clear that she was still angry, but most of the anger had been diminished. Max internally sighed with relief, well she had gotten one obstacle out of the way. Now she just had to deal with work in the.... the blood. The fact that Max had never actually cleaned up the fake blood that Synclair had spilt all over of the floor suddenly sunk in. "Well good night." Max said, and sadly crept up to her room. She would be fired for sure. A floor full of fake dried on blood is the last thing any boss wants to see, and Max would surely be skinned alive in the morning. For the moment thought, she rested her weary head on the pillow she was now grateful to have.

Vampires, darkness, and blood filled Max's dreams that night. Not in anyway that made sense, but rather just in a large confused jumble of frightening imagery. Her sleep would be haunted by such things for a long time...

Loud shrill barking pierced through Max's dreams and aroused her from her sleep. Cupcake, aka "Doggy" had found her was into Max's room in the morning as she usually did. However, instead of just curling up and sleeping on the floor by the bed, as she always did the dog had begun snarling and baring as ferociously as a little puff ball could. "Doggy, what's wrong?" Max asked the panicked creature as she reached out her hand. She quickly withdrew the gesture though when the dog tried to bite her. Max couldn't understand why the dog that she had raised from a puppy would all of a sudden turn on her. It didn't take her long to come up with a guess though.

"Max will you shut that dog up!?" came a holler from Max's mom downstairs. Since there was no other choice Max was forced to just get the dog out of her room and shut the door. Although she could still hear snarling from behind her door. Max gave a sigh. This was just another thing to pile onto the load of complaints of why her life sucked.

Max got ready and was to work by 1 o'clock again, expecting to be fired. However when she got there, her boss just greeted her as usual. Confused, she went to the back room, "If you're wondering about the blood," her boss called to her, "I think it's a nice touch to the back room, it wasn't scary enough back there, but now it's got character. Good job." 'What the friggen...' Max thought to herself 'oh whatever, I guess I should have know he would have thought it was cool...'

So the day carried on as usual, the dread for the coming night began to grow and weight down Max's chest. She knew nothing of buying houses, or coffins, she was only 16, and now she felt more like a child than she had since she was 12. She though she was beginning to become an adult, and that she was responsible and independent, now she knew she was not ready to be an adult.

Max finally got off of work at 10, and before she knew it her feet were leading her toward the graveyard. She had so many mixed emotions boiling inside her that she didn't know how long she could take the suspense.

After a bit she arrived at the graveyard to find Synclair standing at the gate waiting for her. "Good Evening my young servant," Synclair curtly greeted her, "how are you this fine night?" Max sighed, "I've been better." "Well now" Synclair responded, not surprised by Max's lack of enthusiasm "lets not start out this night with a negative attitude, we have much to get done. By the way, I'm not sure I ever got your name, you know mine but I am afraid I don't know yours. Would you be so kind as to tell me?" "Its Max" was the unenthusiastic response to the polite question. "Max?" Synclair asked somewhat confused, "perhaps I am mistaken but is that not a boy's name?"

"It can go either way." Max replied. Synclair looked at her with what would have been disbelief, however he could tell she was telling the truth. "Well then Max, are you ready to get to work?" Synclair asked walking toward her. "Not really," she responded, "but lets just get this over with. What are we going to do tonight anyways?" Synclair smiled. "We're going on a journey."


Oh man where are they guna go o_O, oh snap. lol not really, hint i think synclairs gotta go get munnies. So yea, got chptr 5 written. And i'm slowly gaining fans, w00t, i love ya guys. So tune in next time to see where Synclair takes Max... no he's not going to take here there u sickos...

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