Vampires Make Everything More Interesting - Chapter 1

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Life is dull, well for me it is. All it is is carefully calculated decisions, all I ever do is play it safe, never just play; lately I have been growing bored...

Max had always had a safe and normal life. She never had anything particularly exciting happen to her. She did average work in school, and in everything else but, she never found it to be exciting. Then again how could she be excited about anything when she never took any risks with her life. Because of this she had grown increasingly apathetic about everything in her life, her friends, family, and school work meant so little to her now. She had begun to grow detached from all that was around her, leading to a vicious cycle of increased boredom and loneliness. She just didn't care. What was her life in the grand scheme of things? Nothing. Nothing but an insignificant speck.

"Max! Will you quit brooding in your room and get down here, its time for supper!" her mother called from the kitchen. "Coming." Max responded unenthusiastically. She got up from laying on her bend and slouched down the stairs. When she got to the bottom of the stairs she spotted the family dog, a fluffy little Pomeranian. "Hi Doggy," Max said crouching down to pet the dog in the hall leading to the kitchen. The dog was very hyperactive and spun around while Max tried to just pat its very fluffy petite frame. Even though Max brooded occasionally about not loving anything she would always love her dog, and all other sorts of animals. It was most likely do to the fact that animals were much simpler creatures than people, and much more accepting. An animal, especially a dog, will not judge you on how you dress, or how much time you spend in your room. She knew a thing or two about how people looked at you when your hair was dyed black, or you put on too much eye makeup.

After petting her dog Max slowly made her way into the kitchen. "Max," her mom said as she placed herself unceremoniously in her chair, "will you sit up strait you're going to ruin your back." Max rolled her eyes at this statement in her head, who cared about her friggen back, she didn't. "And the dog's name is Cupcake, i wish you would start calling her by it. Now all she responds to is Doggy, which is not a proper dog name." "And Cupcake is?" Max retorted. Her mom responded with a huff and continued to set the table.

Once the rest of the family, which included Max's older sister, brother, and her father, they said grace and began to eat. Everyone else talked lightly about their days, while Max sat and nudged her food in silence, grunting a bit when talked to. She didn't really like eating, especially not since high school started. She felt so gross when she was full of food. Because of that she had grown increasingly thin over the past few years. She and her high school friends thought it made her look cute and skinny, any intelligent adult saw it as unhealthy.

Still Max hated eating, and because of that she always brought her attitude to the table. The entire family felt the dark cloud of gloom that she harbored whenever she was in a bad mood. None of them really appreciated her immature and angst riddled view of life either. Both her brother and sister had gone through the angst phase, but they had matured beyond it. However, Max, the baby of the family being 16 years old, was stuck smack dab in the middle of her terrible teenage years, making her parents want to slit their wrists.

After dinner was finished Max sauntered back up to her room to listen to music. She couldn't take one more minute of her family's shallow chit chatting about their days. Max's mom frowned at her in displeasure as Max ascended the stairs, but she knew there was little she could do. There was just no getting through to her daughter any more

Max woke up around noon the next day after listening to music and browsing the internet for most of the night. Max hated mornings with a passion, so she figured she ought to just sleep through them. However, Max had to get up at some point in time so she groggily got out of bed and began to get dressed. Even though she was off of school for the summer she had to get up and go work at her part time job. It was a somewhat pathetic place that she worked, but she liked it because she got paid $7.50 an hour to stand around and do nothing most of the time. She worked at a prop shop named the "Horror Shack" on the edge of the town, around 5 miles away from her house.

The shop mostly things you would need for halloween, like fake weapons, teeth, masks, and all other kinds of fun stuff; however, because it was such a select store they only got steady business one out of twelve months. So for the other 11 months they really only got a few customers in. All Max had to do was stand around, she didn't even have to look interested in what she was doing either. The only catch was, there were gory and realistic looking body parts everywhere and disturbing music playing in the background. Which was why Max was one of the few people who would take the job.

Normally Max would not mind standing around in this disturbing environment for 8 hours, but today the store had gotten stock in. Which meant that she has to lug around heavy boxes, sort them, and put them all away. She was not looking forward to it. Especially since she hardly had any strength to speak of and could only lift perhaps thirty pounds.

So while Max went about her duties of stocking she noticed the store had gotten in a whole box of blood, in one gallon containers. They looked just like milk jugs, but maybe for cannibals, not regular humans. She looked at with a slight frown on her face wonder why in the hell someone would need a gallon of fake blood. However, she just shrugged and proceeded to put them on the metal shelves, leaving a good portion of it back in stock since they had gotten over 12 gallons.

At 9:30, the end of Max's shift, she actually was in a good mood, she didn't know what it was but she felt like it was going to be a good night. Max had about $20 on her, perhaps she could go rent a movie and get herself something to eat. It seemed like a good plan, her parents surely wouldn't miss her, and at any rate all they would do is bitch at her about how hanging about alone at night was a good way to get kidnapped or killed. Ha, like that was every going to happen, its not like there was anything that dangerous out there. She fool heartedly believed that she could take on any person that challenged her. She she might not have had much bulk on her, but she truly believed that if she was threaten she could either scare the person away with her threats or kick them in the balls. Max also believed that if things were looking really dire she could just pluck out the person's eyeballs. All these things she thought were good enough self defense.

She punched out and walked back through stock to the back door; however, halfway there she was stopped dead in her tracks. There was a repulsive old man, his mouth open and gasping revealing what looked like fangs. He wore extremely old clothes, which were in bad shape, and a black flowing cape. He was desperately opening one of the gallon containers labeled blood with his long spindly fingers. Once he got the cap off he began pouring it into his mouth, with most of it missing his mouth entirely or overflowing from his mouth, dripping down his chin and drenching his front with a copious amount of the red liquid. But after a few seconds her got a repulsed look on his face and proceeded to spit and vomit out the fake blood. He heaved once, then twice, then seemed to focus. He snapped his head around and glared at Max who had been watching in silent disbelief up to this point. "What is this!?" he snarled at her, barring his fangs. Max would have run a long time ago if she had realized how much trouble she was truly in.


Thats all for chapter one, if you liked it stay tuned for chapter 2

By the way, any criticism is welcome, especially of grammar. And character like-ablity, relate-ability, ect.

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