Vampires Make Everything More Interesting - Chapter 3

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Synclair seemed to straiten up and take stock of his situation, as Max stood dumbly staring at him. Synclair looked at Max, hoping that she would hear what he was about to tell her since she still didn t seem to be consciously present, this due in part to the fact that she had just discovered vampires were real and been in slaved by one on the same night.

"I suppose you are wondering," Synclair began, " what it means to be my servant, or in you case, slave." Max just stared blankly at him, beginning to get a sad lost look on her face. Synclair sighed, beginning to feel a bit bad about what he had just done, but only because of the way Max was looking at him. However, he quickly shook off the feeling.

"To begin with," Synclair said in a business like tone, "you will have the urge to obey whatever I say, and the longer you resist doing it, the stronger the urge will become." The look on Max s face when from sad and lost to one of sudden dread and fear. "What are you going to make me do...?" Max asked quietly, with slight underlying fear. "Whatever I wish." Synclair responded with a slight glint in his eyes, and a smirk on his lips. A look of sudden horror came upon Max s face after hear this, due to all the implications that the statement held in it. "Not THAT." Synclair responded, slightly annoyed. He had thought she should have been to young to be thinking of things of that nature, but is wasn t Max s fault that she didn t look her age.

"Well, I suppose I should get down to business," Synclair said, looking at Max disapprovingly, while straitening his clothes. "By tomorrow morning, I will need a place to sleep, and a coffin to sleep in". He said matter-of-factly, "And also-" "Hold on." Max said firmly, beginning to get her spirit back, "How the HELL am I supposed to do all that in less than 7 hours? Especially when nobody is awake!?" Synclair just looked at her with a smirk, " You ll figure it out." he said. "Fuck you!" Max said angrily, she was not going to put up with this crap. "Watch. Your. Language." Synclair said angrily putting emphasis on each word, and saying them while glaring into Max s eyes. "Yeah right you mother _______!" Max said, but right as she got around to cursing, she couldn t bring herself to say it. "What!? I can t believe it, I really don t want to swear anymore..." Max said her voice filled with a mixture of awe, confusion, and frustration. "Well, Synclair said impatiently, If you had been paying attention you would have already realized what was going to happen. Now just listen." Max of course now had to just sit and listen to him, because she did not have the will to defy his orders.

"I suppose it would be a bit much for you to get me a coffin, and a place to stay all in one night. But if you could direct me to a graveyard with an above ground grave that would be all I need. After you find that I will have a place to sleep while you find me a permanent residence. You see, I could do all this myself, but I personally find your human society to be repulsive, and I would rather not deal with it. That is why I need you, you will be the mediator between me and all other humans. That way, the only human I need ever talk to is you. So you must go now and find a place for me to sleep, while I go and satisfy my thirst. You may speak now if you wish."

"You aren't going to kill people are you?" asked Max with a bit of fear and annoyance in her voice, but what she was most scared of was being an accomplice to a murderer. "And why do you need me to be a mediator? Why do you even have to talk to humans anyways? What could vampires need from humans other than blood?"

"You would be surprised." Synclair replied, "Unless I was to skulk around in the shadows, and only come to humans for my most basic of needs, I would lead a very primitive life, and that just does not suit me. I would like to have a home, clothes, and any basic needs to keep up a normal appearance, to avoid suspicion, and to get these things I must get them from humans. However since I don t like humans I need you, to talk to them for me."

"But aren t you contradicting yourself by talking to me?" Max pointed out. "True," Synclair responded, "but, I would rather deal with one human that will obey my every command, rather than many humans that I will not know, and that I may or may not hate. At least with you I know what you are like, and I can possibly trust you as I get to know you."

"Yeah," Max said, finally beginning to relax, now that she was having a civilized conversation. "but you could grow to like other humans as well. Wouldn t that make life easier?"

"It could," Synclair responded, some of his cynicism creeping back into his voice, "but, from my experience most humans are insufferable, and I am completely happy to live the way I am; therefor, I do not feel like taking the risk of getting to know humans."

Max sighed, "I suppose I can t argue with that... So now what?" "Now you go and find me a coffin, and I go to regain my strength." After getting a look of slight apprehensive fear from Max he added "Don t worry, I m not going to kill anyone. I would go into detail of my feeding habits, but I feel that that is a story for another time. Right now, you must go find me a temporary home, a grave above ground, preferably a mausoleum. Now, I must be off"

And with that, he turned around and silently walked out of the back of the store. Max stood for a few minutes, letting all that had just happened sink in. She could hardly wrap her head around it. Vampires were real, and she was a slave to one. It was unbelievable. She thought she would have been happy, for she, like so many others, had always wished something exciting would happen in her life. Something that would finally make her life interesting, but now that something had happened, she just wished everything could go back to the way it was. For now though, she had a job to do. Soon her vampire master would be a full strength, and she did not want to make him angry. Then again, she never like seeing anyone angry.

So she went out the back, almost forgetting to punch out and, went walking towards the only graveyard she knew...


Alright, chapter 3 is finished *dance* How are you liking it so far?

ugh, I need to stop writing @ 1 in the AM. -_o

FUCK i hate this uploading system, It always kills off the quotation marks and indents, Ugh, now I have to go through this shit and find every goddamn "", fuck you wattpad.

Hmmmm i think i'm making up for all the cursing that Max can't do.. hahaha sucker.

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