Vampires Make Everything More Interesting - Chapter 10

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Max looked at it confusedly for a few seconds before she realized that it looked somewhat familiar. "Synclair?" she whispered. She didn't know of any other reason why the bat would have stopped tapping when she came to the window and now just sat and stared up at her. Max considered that it could have just been a random, possibly rabid, bat, but she was almost sure it was Synclair, so she opened the window.

However as soon as she opened it the bat remained sitting there, still staring her right in the eye. Max was confused and looked at the small creature, wondering if it really was Synclair after all. If it was him why wouldn't he come into the house? She thought for about half a minute but then the answer came to her. "You are invited in," Max said trying to sound formal but muttering after it, "or whatever you're supposed to say."

After she had spoke the bat flew about a foot inside Max's room and then transformed back into Synclair. He looked much better than he had the last time she had seen him. For one, his hair was cut, it was black and shaggy but looked much more manageable and modern than it had before. Another thing was that he had had a wardrobe update. He was now wearing a white dress shirt with a black tie, black dress pants, and dress shoes. His eyes as well were no longer red but a dark grey.

"We must hur-" he began but he was quickly shushed by Max who frantically shook her hands in the air. "Be quiet." she whispered to him putting her finger over her mouth. Taking note of the situation Synclair moved closer and leaned in only a few inches from Max's face so that they could talk quietly. "As I was saying before," he whispered, looking right into Max's eyes. "we must hurry, there is only a few hours till dawn in England." Max noticed that even though he spoke she couldn't feel any breath coming from his mouth.

"England? Is that where we were last night?" Max asked, in retrospect she thought it should have been obvious if she had pondered it at all.

"Yes England, so we must go now." he said.

"Wait," Max said quickly, "there's one thing we have to do first. Since you look the part it should be easy enough to do."

"What is that?" Synclair asked.

Max quickly explained the lie she had told, and why it had gotten her grounded, and what Synclair had to do if he wanted her to go anywhere that night.

"Well then," he said backing away to the window, "I will see you at the front door in a few seconds."

After saying that Synclair turned back into a bat and flew back out the window. Max watched him go and then ran to her door. She stopped herself before she opened it though. If she ran downstairs when she was supposed to be sleeping, in anticipation of someone showing up it would look quite suspicious; she chose to wait. It hardly made a difference though, since in a few moments she heard the door bell ring. After that, she heard her mom walking down the upstairs hall and past her room muttering, "Who in the world is ringing the doorbell at 9:45 at night?" Max couldn't make out the rest of what her mom said though since she was making her way down the stairs. Max heard her mom open the door, she could hear her mom's voice saying something forcibly polite, after that though it was silent for long time. Max stood awkwardly by her door during the pregnant pause, but then she heard her mom hesitantly call her name.

"Max," she called with almost a question in her voice, "I think you should come down here." Max's heart was pounding furiously in her chest, filled with anticipation and excitement for the night. Mingled in with the excitement though was well placed fear and hesitancy. Ignoring her negative emotions though Max waited a bit and then opened her door. She made her way down the stairs, eager to see the shocked look on her mother's face.

Her mother was standing there in her night gown, arms hugged around herself. She nervously looked back when she heard Max coming down the stairs. "Max, this man says that he needs you to work for him tonight, to repay him." Max restrained herself from grinning, she looked happily down at Synclair who glanced up at her when she came down the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2010 ⏰

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