Vampires Make Everything More Interesting - Chapter 6

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Max sighed at the thought of having to walk for miles on a journey so she asked "We aren't going far are we?" Synclair smirked at this response "Oh, we will be going very far," he said, "probably farther than you have ever traveled in your short life." This statement hit max like a load of bricks, she didn't want to walk forever with a vampire who, admittedly had seemed to have mellowed out since she had last met him. However, he was still and odd person, excuse me "vampire," to have has company.

Synclair noticed the despairing look on Max's face, so he said "Do not worry young one, we will not be traveling on foot." This didn't relieve Max much though for she immediately asked worriedly "Oh no we aren't going to fly are we?" Synclair was a bit taken aback, mostly because he wondered why she thought he was able to fly. "Uh, no. Perhaps it would be easier if i would just show you." And at the end of this statement, he gracefully put his hand into the air and snapped his fingers twice. Max was about to ask what that was supposed to do but she was silenced by the sound of an approaching carriage.

It could only be heard at first, but soon there was a rippling in the air 10 yards away. And then invisible object could be seen moving through the fog, still accompanied by the constant clip clopping of horse hooves, and rattling of carriage wheels. But as it got closer it slowly faded into reality until it was fully visible when it reached them.

The carriage itself looked very old, not just because of the way it was built, but because it was in such a stated of decay. The paint was all but worn off, with only a few faded remnants of the original color still clinging to the worn wood. And the fabric in the curtains , and on the overhang on the front of the cab was full of holes and tattered around the edges. Then there was the horse. it was almost completely rotted, with most of its old gray flesh showing, along with some bones. It turned its decaying head and looked at Max and Synclair with its one remaining white eye.

Then there came a grumble from the driver, "I welcome you, abroad the Underworld Express."

Max looked unbelievingly at the carriage. Not only had it appeared out of thin are, but it was being pulled by an animal that shouldn't have been able to move. Synclair just smiled at Max's slack jawed reaction. "Come along," Synclair said as he opened the door and waited for Max. "You'll have much more to be surprised at tonight."

Not sure wether that statement was meant to be comforting or not, Max gathered what courage she had and walked to the carriage and carefully climbed in, afraid that the stares that led into it would give way as soon as she put any weight on them. Synclair followed much more confidently after her.

As soon as both of them had boarded into the carriage it began to move again. Synclair calmly looked out the window, but as soon as he saw the worried and confused look on Max's face he felt he should perhaps explain a few things or at the very least talk to her so she didn't have a mental breakdown.

"I suppose," Synclair began calmly, "that you are confused by the state of the carriage aren't you?" Looking up after she heard this, Max just quietly nodded. "Well it's actually held together by magic." Synclair stated, "When it was first created the carriage way new and strong, and the horse was young and quite healthy. The spell that was placed upon it gave it the ability to be instantly summoned by any underworld creature, and to be able to teleport them anywhere. Also, another spell was put in place to make them last forever, however, the spell did not account for the aging of the horse or the carriage. Though they remain fully functional on the inside, on the outside they have decayed. Many attempts have been made to correct this, but by now it is too late. Just another reason why I try not to tamper with magic, no matter how well placed your plan something always seems to go wrong."

After he was done speaking he continued to look idly out the window, but when he glanced back at Max he could still see she was distressed. "Is there anything else troubling you?" He asked, trying to be polite and patient, humans could be such cowardly creatures sometimes.

"Well," Max said softly, "I guess I'm just confused by everything going on, the carriage appearing out of thin air, underworld creatures, and mostly you. I mean you seemed so mean at first but now you're so much kinder. And, i don't know I just-" she sighed, getting caught up in her emotions, "I just don't know what to trust in anymore." She gave another small sigh and then looked up at Synclair's red eyes, which she now noticed had slits like that of a cat.
"It feels like anything is possible, good or bad, and that scares you, and you no longer know what's real." Said Synclair. "Yes, exactly." Max responded, glad that he could put words to how she was feeling. " did you know exactly how I felt?" Max asked confused, she desperately hoped he couldn't feel her emotions. "I've been there before," Synclair responded calmly, "When I was first made into a vampire, I felt similar to the way you do now." "What was it like?" Max asked with quiet curiosity. "That," he responded, "is a story for another time. We have arrived at our destination." After he said the the carriage came to a stop. The doors opened by themselves and wobbled on their hinges, looking like they could fall off at any moment. Max looked unsurely at the shaky exit, but after Synclair exit safely she just hopped out quickly and was instantly appreciative of the firm ground beneath her feet.

"The outskirts of the city" the carriage driver said in a gravely tired voice "are about 1/2 a mile away if you continue north on this path, I'm sorry I couldn't get you closer sir, but I'm sure you understand why." "I understand" Synclair responded simply. And after he said this the carriage started forward again and disappeared in the same manner as it had appeared.

"Come along, its going to be dawn in only a few hours, and I have a few things to accomplish before then." "Wait... What?" Max uttered very confused "Where- You know what, I don't care anymore, I'm just going to stop asking questions and just go with it." Synclair just gave a have laugh and responded "There will be time later to explain things, for now we walk." After he said it he seemed to get serious again, and began walking forward toward the city. Max followed along behind him, wonder what all was going to happen that night.

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