Vampires Make Everything More Interesting - Chapter 9

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Max sat with the Egyptian Death Hound in the carriage which soon began to move West, away from the rising sun. This time Max watched out the back window which was cloudy and slightly cracked. The sun was just peaking over the treetops when the world faded into gray which darkened into pitch black. Max hadn't noticed it the first time she rode in the carriage since it was already dark out, making the change miniscule and easily overlooked, especially since she had been distracted talking to Synclair. She then remember how she and Synclair had been talking so calmly at the beginning of the night, and now she didn't know if she'd ever get to see him again. Sure it had only been two nights since she had first gotten to know him, but for the first time her life had been exciting and interesting. Now she was faced with having to go back to her normal life, one without vampires, beautiful hidden banks, or even weredogs. To make matters worse Synclair had never even said good-bye...

Max jumped with a start since the Egyptian Death Hound had chosen that moment to breathe heavily on her hand. She looked back at him, grateful that he had startled her out of her thoughts and rewarded him by patting him on the head. It wagged its tail enthusiastically, being grateful for a kind touch after going hundreds of years without such a thing. Max could have sworn she could see it smiling. She remembered how it was meant to be cursed, how she too now carried the curse with her, but she didn't feel any different. Nothing bad had happened so far, so she decided to forget about any curses. Besides, if she really was cursed already then she could pet the Egyptian Death Hound without any fear.

Finally the carriage came to a stop and the doors opened once more. The dog got up and hopped out of the carriage followed soon by his companion. As soon as they had gotten off the carriage disappeared back into the night that it had come from. Max looked around and noticed they were back at the cemetery that they had left from earlier that night. She then looked around and realized that it was still night. A gentle wispy mist still hovering between the headstones. She looked at them remembering that this was meant to be Synclair's temporary home. He never really had explained exactly where they had gone. Max looked sadly at the cemetery, wondering if she would ever need to return there and walk amongst its stone angles and mausoleums again.

This time the Egyptian Death Hound actually just nudged Max's hand rather than just breathing on it. "Oh sorry," she said, not sure what she was apologizing for, "I guess I should thank you for escorting me home." She the knelt down and stroked the dog's leathery head some more and gave it a brief kiss and the scalp as she had always done with her own dog at home. "I wonder if you have a name..." she thought allowed. Seeming to hear her question the dog shook its head left to right. "Wow! you can understand what I'm saying?" Max asked surprised, the dog responded by shaking its head again, this time up and down. "You're so smart, good dog!" Max continuing to pet it more vigorously. "Well, since you don't have a name how would you like a name?" The dog shook its head up and down once more, this time with more enthusiasm. "Hmm..." Max thought about it, and after a few seconds she thought she had a pretty good idea. "How about we call you Edh, with a silent H, its the initials of Egyptian Death Hound." She smiled thinking it was quite clever. The newly named Edh seemed to think so too since he nodded his head and wagged his tail happily in acceptance of his new name.

Max then got up and looked at her phone for the time that night. It was 1 o' clock, and there were five messages from her parents; she really needed to stop leaving her phone on silent. That was it, she was going to die. Last time she got in at one her parents practically bit her head off, and now she was going to do it again. At least the last time she had had a decent excuse, they were sure to have called her work this time though, and then they would have realized that she had left at the normal time. She slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand wondering what she was going to do. Plus, what going to happen to poor Edh? She had just given him a name and now she had to leave him already. "Well, I'm just going to have to march home and hope I don't die." Max said resigned to just do it and get it out of the way. She wasn't one to procrastinate, she liked to just do stuff and get it out of the way. Life was easier and less stressful for her that way.

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