Chapter Eighteen: An Odd Beginning

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***We're in the final stretch, guys! Only the Epilogue's left. WOOHOO! This has been a wild ride, and I love everyone who's read, commented, and just generally been here for the duration of the story. You guys rock, and I hope to write more Levihan (oneshots and non) in the future. Well, no more waiting. Here we go!***

                                                                         Hanji's POV

Her focus was in and out the entire duration of the trial. Levi was in the center of the courtroom, his stance erect and authoritative, despite the fact that he was the one being judged. Judge Zackly sat high above Levi, his sharp gaze simultaneously on the captain and the other soldiers. It was a hard case to judge: though Moblit and Hanji had been verbally told that Levi would kill Erwin, the only one present during the actual murder of Commander Erwin was the defendant himself.

"Captain Levi, before a sentence is given, do you have anything to say?"

Hanji glared at Levi from behind the wooden bars that blocked the people from the court floor.

Speak carefully like I said, Levi. Don't screw this up. Please don't screw this up!

Levi gave a slight nod, and said, "Though I took the life of a fellow human being, something we just don't do in this time and age, I did it for a justifiable reason. Commander Erwin was a threat – he had tried to take the life of a soldier – a dwindling, valuable asset – multiple times because his emotions clouded his once revered judgment. I have no regrets in terms of my actions, but I do request that my job not be taken from me. The Survey Corps is where I belong; I know nothing else."

Hanji looked around as the courtroom buzzed with murmurs and remarks. However, Judge Zackly was not deterred at all, and replied, "Noted, Captain. The court will now take a fifteen minute recess. Sentence will be given after."

The moment the gavel came down, Hanji flung herself over the bar and crushed Levi in a hug.

"Levi, you were good out there, okay? I'm sure everything will be fine."

At first, Levi didn't hug back, but a tighter squeeze from Hanji, and he clawed at her back, the emotion evident.

"I hope so, Hanji. I don't want to leave my soldiers behind. I don't want to leave you."

"You make it sound like I wouldn't follow you."

"You wouldn't – not job-wise, anyway. You love studying Titans too much to give up your job."

"If I had to, I would. I know you'd do the same for me."

Hanji felt Levi smile, and did the same. She felt it in her bones – it was going to be alright, and if it wasn't alright in the way she wanted, she and Levi would make the best of whatever they got.

"Let's grab a quick bite, Hanji, and stay close to me. Everyone probably thinks I'm going to snap."

"Um, we saw the body" Hanji chuckled, "You did quite a bit of damage. If I didn't know you, I'd think you were psychotic."

Outside of the court, Hanji grabbed her and Levi a couple of sandwiches, but she took her time to go back inside. She couldn't help it – she was worried for Levi and anxious for the trial to be over. If Zackly ruled in Levi's favor, nothing was lost, but if he didn't...

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