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I reached over my dresser to stop the intruding noise coming from my alarm clock that always wake me up in the morning for school. I groaned and got up from my bed and began to do my daily routine before school. When I was done getting dressed I put on my white converse

 When I was done getting dressed I put on my white converse

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and raced downstairs putting my beanie on. I went into the kitchen and grabbed me a pop tart as I grabbed my backpack and headed out the house. I grabbed my hoverboard that laid on the porch of the front door and laid it correctly on the ground.

I held my phone and earphones and went to my Playlist on Spotify. I shuffled the songs and put my phone in the front pocket of my jeans. I place the earbuds in my ears and took off towards my school.

When I arrived I placed my  hoverboard inside the the main office while everyone everyone else places there bikes, scooters, and skateboards in the gate rack. Like usual I always different from the other kids.

I walked towards the quad area where the library is and walked in. Today I had to print out my argumentative essay about teenage drinking and driving and everyone was looking at me like I had something on my face but that's normal. Everyone looks at me like that. I sat down at a computer and logged in. As I was waiting for it load my file I saw Nina and her crew walk in. Nina looked at me and smiled. I didn't do the same. I just frowned. I don't have the time for this, it's too damn early in the morning to be dealing with her bull crap.

She came and sat next to me as Lilian plucked my hair giving me the normal greeting of 'was good spoiled rich girl'. As a natural habit I always nod and try to ignore their presence. My file loaded and I clicked on print document. I signed out of my account and grabbed my stuff and began to get up.

" yo where you going so soon? I ain't done speaking with you cuh" Nina asked

I looked at her as I pushed my chair in clutching onto my phone, "you never spoke"

She rolled her eyes, " well now I am so sit down"

I heard the printer begin to print my paper out and I rushed over to the machine to grab my paper. When I grabbed it, I looked over it to make sure it was mine. I headed towards the exit of the library and gave the librarian a low 'thank you' and left. The bell rung for first period and I began to walk towards my 1st period classroom. Like any other day, everyone looked at me with strange looks and mischievous laughs/giggles that was appointed to me.

I ignored the childish actions of the students and continued towards my classroom until I hit the ground very hard. I rolled over onto my but and sat looking at Nina and her crew with John Newman. He was laughing with the rest.

" awe, it looks like the spoiled rich girl needs glasses" Carman said laughing

"yea. Watch where the fuck you is going clumsy dumpty" said keana and they walked away

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