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Update: 11/26 nothing has really changed . I removed a chunk of the ending and relied it with a shorter version .

"so y'all know Nina got the pink eye right?" Dominique blurted out. I choked on my spit, "true?" "yea. She got it on Friday" I rolled my eyes, "I knew damn well I should have came on Friday" "aye why didn't you come" I picked up my chicken tender, "didn't have anyone to take me" hailie then spoke up, "you should have asked ya ma" I glared at her giving her the surprised face, " I was with her. She couldn't take me" "Um a chauffeur could have taken you" Madison said

I took a sip of my soda, "no. I'm not allowed those privileges. I'm on punishment" Everyone jaws dropped and looked at me. "what you do hoe" Dominique asked. "I kinda um- well it's very complicated. Let's just say I need to Learn how to listen and make wiser decisions"

Maddie began to clap and the rest soon joined in. "wow I noticed a change in ms. Jasmine" Everyone cheered as hailie spoke out. I looked at them confused, "what y'all mean?"

"well yo ass never admits to anything that you are horrible in" drew'tavia said. "and you basically made a statement about changing for the better" yania joined in. I laughed, "nah. It's just maturity. I'm tired of being angry at my ma fo no reason ya no. She doesn't deserve it. I feel like I done worse to her than she has ever done to me"

They began to clap again. I rolled my eyes, "y'all is silly" "na we ain't you just changed" Maddie replied. "mhm"


"sup" I greeted as I entered the suv. Jason nodded his head as he pulled off. I chuckled to myself and pulled out my homework cuz this is going to be a long drive.

I started on my English then headed on to my math. I got stuck on a problem so I asked jason, "Jason do you know the square root to 13?"

he shook his head laughing, " there isn't a square root because 13 isn't a perfect square"

I rolled my eyes, "so what do I put down?"

he shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know ask ya ma"

I frowned, "she never completed high school so how would she know?" he didn't respond to that he just looked at me through the rear view mirror.

I sighed and just wrote down whatever. Sooner or later I was fully done with my homework. I put everything back in my backpack and sat back and closed my eyes cuz I was tired as fuck. I had to wake up at 4:30 in morning just to get dressed and I had to leave the house at 5:00 I didn't get to school until 7:40. The reason I had to wake up so early is because bey lives far from my school. We have to catch the freeway just to get there.

Actually I was supposed to get up at 4:00 but my body wouldn't move to get out of bed. I hate when that happens. Preferring to bey she was already up at 3:00. I believe that she stayed up, because I didn't even hear an alarm go off. When I first knew she was up she was talking to someone, I think the nanny, then it got quiet. But when I was done getting dressed I went to her room and all I saw was her laying in bed balled up in her covers looking at the tv. And the tripping fact about it was, she was already dressed. Her hair was did and er Thang.

"jasmine your mother wants to speak to you" Jason said.

I looked at him weird, "I don't have a phone"

he smiled, "would you like speak to her?"

I sighed, "yea I guess" he nodded and spoke into his cuff, "go ahead" he spoke and focused back onto the road.

That Mother (COMPLETED)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now