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Update: 12/1 shorter chapter

June 18th, 2011
Houston, TX
Fun plex

I walked into my old hangout spot when I was a child looking for my sister. Today, I have decided to reveal the truth to my other half and let her know who I really am to them. This whole thing is new to me. No one is forcing me to do it but something deep inside of me is telling me it's time. I already waited too long. Might as well get it over with.

I chose this place because it brings back so many memories and plus I want the kids to have a great time. No worries or stress.

Actually no one knows about my decision that I'm about to make. And it's even more difficult to deal with the pressure of what I think or believe is going to happen. I know it's not going to be anything to be proud of, I mean it was stupid for me to keep a secret this deep hidden from someone I love unconditionally.

Sometimes I wish that I made a better decision when I was younger, but I didn't I was young and dumb and cared too much about what people thought or would think about me regardless of the fact of not knowing my side of the story and why I was traped in the predicament that I was in and still is in now. I dug my grave. Now I have to lie in it and I'm willing to deal with the hate and sacrifices.

"hey Thu Thu!" I heard my little sister yell with her Loud ass mouth

"solo!" I smiled and hugged her, "how you doing?"

"I'm doing great" she smiled breathing heavy due to her just getting done running, "the kids are driving me crazy. How you been? Or may I say, y'all"

She placed her hand on my belly

"we are doing just fine. Where everyone else at?"

"in the back follow me"

I nodded my head and followed. When I got there I seen the kids running around acting a damn fool. I chuckled and sat next to my cousin, Angie

"wassup cuzzin how y'all been?" She asked rubbing my belly

"we have been just fine ay-"

"cousin bb" I heard a familiar voice scream

I looked in the direction from where I heard it come from and immediately smiled. She ran towards me.

"cuzzin BB you came" she smiled

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"cuzzin BB you came" she smiled

I nodded my head, "of course I would. I grew up here"

She smiled and hugged me and looked at her mom

"mama, can I go to the claw machine?"

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