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Update: this chapter really is sorta different from the previous. I fixed many errors and changed some characters personality to fit them much better for the storyline (10-6-19)


I was Sitting in the classroom with nothing to do,but to pencil tap, and wait for the period to end. I don't like being around a huge crowd of people because I get social anxiety and I definitely hate presenting in front of one as also, but luckily I don't have to present my project until tomorrow. Today we had a sub and I hate subs. Sooooo my birthday is in 4 days aye! But I'm not ready. I'm not ready because I'm being FORCED to live with someone for the rest of my life. Why me though? Like out of all people in the world why pick me to suffer? What did I do wrong to deserve all this? Is it just because of my existence? She didn't want me when she had me now why all of a sudden she wants to take responsibility for her actions ?

One of the office Assistants came in and gave the sub a slip and it was a yellow one too. I looked at him as he read the slip over and looking up at the class

"Is there a jasmine Gonzalez in here?"

I looked up and didn't say anything. He just looked around the room, " jasmine Gonzalez?"

I rose my hand, "right here"

"great. You are leaving early" he said coming to handing me the paper

"what is so great about me leaving early" I asked packing my stuff

"oh no. I was just saying great. Like great that there is a jasmine Gonzalez in this class" he smiled

I nodded my head and stood up from my desk grabbing the paper from him, "okay then"

As I walked out the classroom everyone eyed me
I heard a guy mumble under his breath saying that they're taking me back to the group home I left. People laughed at it as I lowered head and continued towards the door. Once my hand touched the doorknob multiple pieces of paper were being thrown at me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I didn't say anything I just walked out as the sub got on the kids that threw the material at me.

I made it to the main office and I seen my mom.

"why are you picking me up early" I asked in suspicion. She never picks me up unless it's an emergency. I normally walk or take the bus.

"we have things to take care" she answered

"things like what" I asked getting into the car. I laid my backpack in the backseat and began to put my seatbelt on.

"personal things that involve you" she stated pulling out the lot

At first I sat there co fused and then realized I'm always in trouble for something. I rolled my eyes, "what I do now"

"it's what you did" she exclaimed

"well what did I do? I always seem to be in some type of trouble" I said looking out the window " I don't be doing anything but speaking my mind and expressing myself. Isn't it my right to have the freedom of speech?"

She shook her head looking over at me, "but it's who you're saying it to. Certain things are better left unsaid and because of your worthless actions you are about to suffer the consequences"

I looked at her like she was crazy, " but what I do though"

She stopped at the red light and pulled out her phone. She went to something and handed it to me. I looked at it and it was a screenshot of bey and I conversation. I looked up at her and she looked at me,

That Mother (COMPLETED)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now