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Two weeks later

I was the first one up. So I decided to go start on breakfast. But before I did so I got ready, I took a shower and did my normal morning routine. Before I headed downstairs I decided to go check on my mom. I opened her door slowly, as I seen her bawled up in her covers sleep. I checked on my sister after and seen that she was also sleep.

I went downstairs and pulled out the ingredients: milk, eggs, bacon, potatoes, jelly, bread, grit mix, sugar, fruit, butter, sausage, peppers, syrup, virgin oil, honey, and biscuit batter. Once that was done I pulled out the utensils: spatula, pot, non-stick pans, blender, egg beater, spoons, forks, plates, plastic containers, knives, and tongs. Even though it took me a long time find the stuff I still did it.

After 30 minutes into cooking I already had the bacon cooked, French toast in the oven to keep warm, omelet half way done, biscuits cooked, and sausages cooked. All I need was to finish the omelet, make coffee, a smoothie,toast, and grits.

I took 4 years of culinary so yes I know how to cook.

When I was done with the omelet I heard my little sister's voice and feet that didn't sound like hers approaching the kitchen. I turned around and seen my mom standing in the kitchen holding my sister. At first she didn't notice me cuz she was too busy running her mouth, but as soon as she turned my direction she got happy and jumped from our mom arms. She ran up to me,"sister!" I picked her up, "Waz gud blueberry muffin" she laughed and hugged me, "I missed you. Why did you leave?" I cleared my throat, "I went on a trip but now I'm back" She smiled, "to stay?" "yes" "forever?!" she asked excitedly, "yes, unless I go off to college"

To her it was a long time but to me it was only 3 years. "so everyday I see you?" I shook my head, "no." she frowned, "why?" "because big sissy has to um-see her dad once in awhile and visit her family" she looked at me confused, "why. We are your family. And daddy lives with us so u don't have to leave" I sat her down on the counter I sighed, "your dad isn't my dad" she looked at me confused, "yes he is. See we both have same mommy" I nodded my head, "yes true but look blue we have the same mommy but not the same daddy. Your daddy is married to mommy. So that makes him my step-dad. My daddy isn't. I don't have the same last name as you or your daddy" she frowned and looked down, "oh" she said lowly. I smiled, "but I'm still the best big sissy in the world right?!" I asked trying to cheer her up. She looked up and smiled, "you're my only sissy" "exactly. So that makes us closer than ever despite I have a different daddy as you. Imma always be your big sissy okay?" I tickled her as she tried her best cover up her smile. I soon cracked her, "okay!" I picked her up and placed her down. I looked at my mom and she was halfway asleep sitting down.

"mom?" I seen her eyes slowly open, "hmm?" "go back to sleep" she sat up taking a deep breath yawning covering her mouth with her right hand, "I have work in 2 hours" "okay then go get an extra hour of sleep" she shook her head, "nah I'm good just hand me a red bull out the fridge"

I looked at her, "mom that's not healthy" she looked at me with slit eyes, "well that's the only way for me to operate" "can u just eat a decent breakfast?" She sighed. I heard someone enter the house. I looked and seen it was jay. Blue ran to him as the nanny came down stairs.

Thank God god I cooked more than enough food

Blue and jay did their usual exchange as the nanny came in and grabbed an apron. She Looked half asleep. I laughed. She looked like she was getting ready to perform a duty of cooking breakfast. I laughed harder until her eyes shot open, "miss linda breakfast is already cooked" I said. she clapped her hands together, "oh my goodness! I knew I smelt food. I thought it was part of my dream" she explained. I shook my head, "no it wasn't but do you want a plate?" She looked at beyonce and she was half asleep again. I watched as jay snuck up behind her and slammed his hand on the counter, "wake ya ass up!" she immediately jumped and almost socked the living shit of him.

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