The End

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Im 8 months pregnant and i'm due in a few weeks. I only gained 40 pounds since the beginning so i'm kinda cool with it. My doctor told me my baby may come earlier because its head is already positioned to come out so i can't move a lot. But obviously it's hella lazy and it's just chillen in the sac.

Kelly came up to rubbing my belly sitting next to me, " you finna pop bey"

I rolled my eyes sitting back with my elbow on the table as my head rested on my palm. My legs wouldn't close so they was wide open. Something i hated. "thanks for reminding me" i exaggerated

She kissed her teeth smiling, "you getting real big bey"

"okay kelly"

I seen the rest of destiny's child coming up to me. All two of em rubbed my belly causing my child to kick. I jerked glaring at them holding my belly. "stop spoiling my child"

"how are we 'spoiling' ya child" they asked in a union.

"stop rubbing my stomach. I'm tired. My feet are blistering and where the hell is my food at?"

"chillax mama bear" latoya joked as the rest laughed

"i'm sick of you eat fungus toya eat it" i insulted but that only made them laugh harder. I folded my arms pouting.

My auntie flo walked up to me rubbing my tummy AGAIN. I groaned as my child changed positions again. "in all honesty. I believe that y'all are annoying the crap out of my child because everytime yall rub my stomach the baby moves away from where you placed your hand at. Its sleeping so can yall not touch my stomach anymore please?"

My auntie looked at me as i gave an innocent smile, "in all do respect auntie" i corrected my tone of voice.

She nodded in approval and began to speak, "you ready?" i shook my head, "i'm scared. Does it hurt?" i asked my auntie, flo.

"well when i gave birth to my kids them chirren had me screaming..." she began scream estatically. All of us leaned back as she screamed. Soon she leaned over screaming in my ear.

"okay auntie" she continued "auntie okay i get it" she still continued. I had to think of something to shut her up. Hmm. Oh yea, "AUNTIE MY WATER JUST BROKE!" she immediately stopped but not only dat the whole room did. Everyone looked at me. I looked down in between my legs. I looked back up smiling as my family just looked at me. I gave a nervous chuckle, " ha ha false alarm sorry" a few seconds after they continued on with their convo. Solange finally came with my plate

"what took you so long?"

"uncle skip kept asking me for some tic tacs and i told em i aint got nun" all of us busted out laughing.

I ate my food. Soon it was time to reveal the gender. My auntie gave the instructions.

"okay so each table has a balloon filled with confetti. The table that finds the different colored confetti first has to stand up and try to announce the gender. Then mama bey will have to confirm if the gender is correct. It you get it right the first time then the table will get a prize. So on ya mark get set go"

Right after she said that i heard balloons being popped. It took a couple of minutes before my cousin Bryce stood up yelling, "it's a girl!" then i heard my other cousin right after him, "it's a boy!" tonya yelled. The room fell in silence. I grabbed two fake babies. A girl and a boy. I looked at both of them then threw the boy to my cousin tonya and everyone screamed, "it's a boy!". Everyone started cheering. I leaned over and told my auntie to tell em to shut the hell up. And she did so. The room fell quiet again. I grabbed a pink baby bib that said, 'it's a girl' written on it. I held it up smiling. "i'm having a girl not a boy sorry t.t" "for real?" i nodded my head. And looked at my family, "i'm having a girl" soon i heard a bunch of 'i told you so's'

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