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"why can't you just tell me what happened"

"because I don't want you to know"

"why don't you want me to know" she asked me again

"stop asking all these questions. When I feel like telling you then I will. Apparently right now just isn't the time" I replied upset

She sighed looking straight ahead, "I'm just looking out for you okay. I'm just worried that's all. You have been distant fr-"

"there's nothing new. I always been distant with you. No doubt about it. We were never buddies so don't try and act like we built a relationship in the course of 3 years because we haven't mom"

"well why did you call me then if you didn't want to be bothered with me?" She asked pulling up to my house

"because I needed you at the time" I said grabbing my stuff, "oh yea can you pick me up at 2:00 today so I can go back and grab my penny board. I forgot it at school"

She shook her head


"I'm not going to tolerate your attitude like that jasmine"

I rolled my eyes," I don't have an attitude. Like I said before I had a long day. I'm tired. Exhausted. Sleepy. Irritated. Aggravated. Frustrated. Not in the mood to be talking. I just want to go in the house and go to sleep, so can you take the door off child lock. Please? I'm asking nicely."

She just sat there looking at me "tell me what happened?"

"oh my god"

"I'm trying to help my daughter that's all" beyonce replied

"well maybe i don't want your help"

She took the door off child lock and I got out. I walked towards the front door and unlocked it. As I walked inside I placed my backpack on the floor as I closed the door with my foot. I began to walk towards the kitchen hearing the door open and close again. I grabbed a cup of noodles and put it in the microwave. I turned around and walked out the kitchen entering the living room. I found bey already in there on her phone. I grabbed the Xbox one remote and turned the tv on. I went to Netflix and played the boondocks.

"you know you don't have to be here right"

"But I'm here"

"and you can leave" I replied looking at her

She lowered her phone, "what have I done to you?"

"I mean I did tell you to leave me alone and you are still here. What don't you get about you are bothering me. I want to be alone. Not accompanied. ALONE. A-L-O-N-E. ALONE! Me, Myself and I solo ride until I die cuz I got me for life" I stated

"you need to stop. I'm being as nice as I can be with you but if you want me to be mean then I will. I'm not one of your friends. I'm your mother you-"

"you don't act like it! May b if you start acting like it may b I will say "yea I have a wonderful relationship with my biological mother and I enjoy it" but I can't and never will because you won't and never will be that mother to me. I just know of you and you just know of me simple as that. I see that you are trying your hardest and all but I just don't want th-"

"jasmine stop. You are pushing it"

"no you are pushing it!"

"lower you voice when you are speaking to me"

"why should i! How could you! You left and went to Paris and didn't even invite me! You never took me shopping or none of that! You went and got ya nails done with blue and forgot all about jasmine and didn't give a damn if I wanted to get my nails did or not! So yes I do use you! Yea I called you today ONLY because I didn't want to be at school! I didn't call you to spend time with you! I didn't even want to hear your voice but I did anyway only because my friends begged me!"

That Mother (COMPLETED)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now