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Update: 11/15 not much changed

April 30th

My eyes flickered open with light beaming through my windows.BI looked at the clock and it read: 11:00

Damn I woke up early

I sighed and went downstairs. When I was walking past the front door, I heard fumbling. I quickly panicked like any other teenager. I stood their looking at the door as it continued to be fumbled with. The Fumbling soon came to a stop.

When I began to walk again I heard Fumbling again coming from the door followed by a ring in the house. It rung three times. I just stared at the door as whomever ranged the doorbell. This is some scary shit. My palms are sweating and I gotta go pee. Soon the Fumbling stopped and the door opened. I quickly ran behind the door telling myself not to move. I heard bags rumbling and voices.

Soon enough I heard small feet and a voice.

"wait for mommy and daddy blue blue" I sighed and stepped out from behind the door but when I did we screamed.

She dropped the bags and held her heart. Blue laughed, "mommy you afwaid of jasmwine"

I looked at Blue and she was holding two ice cream cones from Baskin Robin. I looked back at bey and moved out her way. She picked up the bags, "why were you behind the door?"

I shrugged my shoulders and she sighed, "so we still giving the silent treatment?" I shrugged once again and she walked away. I looked down at blue, "hewe mommy told me to give you one" she said holding one out to me, "I didn't lick it"

I just smiled and grabbed it. She is too cute.

"thank you blue blue" she smiled, "yo welcome. Mommy!" she yelled running towards the kitchen. I smiled as I licked my ice cream.

"uh uh. Go put that in the freezer and go get some bags out the truck " jay said with a hint of agitation in his vice as he brung in some groceries.

Damn why everyone grumpy today. I followed him into the kitchen to see him just put the groceries down and walked out heading upstairs. Beyonce just rolled her eyes, " you know what" she whispered and walked out following him

Ooooohhhh. They arguing. Damn again? They was just arguing last week on my birthday. What the fuck. I sat my ice cream in the freezer and headed outside to grab the rest of the groceries. I had some wrapped around my neck, arms, head, legs, shoulders, anywhere that can hold a bag. I walked into the house while bey returned downstairs, "what the?" I heard her say before she started laughing. I made my way to the kitchen and dropped the bags on the floor and placed the bags that was around my neck on the counter.

Hearing the door shut bey came in laughing, "you know you could have took like 2 trips instead of one" I just shrugged my shoulders. "mommy she looked like the bag monster!" she said laughing. "I know sweetie. Okay let's put these groceries away" bey said grabbing a bag of food and started putting the items away.

"mommy can daddy help us?" blue asked

Bey turned to look at her, " I don't know. You wanna go ask him?" blue nodded her head. "okay go on and don't run" "okay".

Bey grabbed another bag and looked at me, "how long are you going to continue to give me the silent treatment?" I shrugged my shoulders "well can you atleast help put the food away?" I nodded my head and began to put the food away.

Soon blue came back with jay right behind her. Bey and jay made eye contact until bey rolled her eyes breaking it. Jay grabbed a bag and put the food away. For the whole entire 30 minutes of the food being put away bey and jay have yet to say a word to each other. When we were done jay walked out the kitchen but this time bey stayed.

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