2: Ten Minutes of Fame

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  "Mates, have a seat. Umm, preferably not on anything gray..", Louis fumbled. "This is a long story."

  Louis explained it to us from the beginning. He told us the when he went to the bathroom the light didn't go out, he just flicked it off on purpose, to witness 'Aznarepse's curse'. He continued with the absolute worst. He admitted that when he did the curse, something did happen. He explained that when he uttered Aznarepse's name 16 times the light, in the mirror, flickered on and off, then when he was going to turn on the lights from fright, a face.... a face began appearing, from grains, then pixels, and before he knew it Louis was staring face to face, literally touching faces, with Aznarepse. She was very old film-ish, and grains lagged from here to there. She was black and white, because she was born in the decades without color TV. She had Cher Lloyd's curly hair, and very tattered clothing, stained with blood. Louis was very descriptive. He explained that at that moment his eyes grew very large. That, she was coming closer and closer until her hands slipped through the glass, two at the same time, and they were coming straight toward Louis. He informed that her head popped through the glass and she grabbed his shoulders. She pulled him away from her face and simply stated in an eerie, old time-y voice: "Cursed." Then she immediately began pulling him into the mirror. Louis flailed his arms around and managed to hit the light switch, causing Aznarepse to disappear without a trace. He explained that while she was present she made everything in the bathroom, as well as Louis, temporarily gray. I then piped up and admitted that when I was in that bathroom 5 minutes later that I did see it turn gray for a quick second. Louis acknowledged me, and continued. He said that he came out of the bathroom after that. That night, he had a dream, much like reality, Aznarepse appeared and grabbed Louis (In dreamworld) by the collar. She placed her lips on his ear and whispered "How does it feel to be officially cursed, pop star?" She pulled away and winked at him. She then flew through him, causing a harsh pain to shot all over his body. Thus making Louis yell out. I then told the boys the night I experienced while sleeping with Lou that night. They were all baffled, rubbing the back of there necks. Louis explained that he awoke that way. He couldn't look in a mirror, because Aznarepse was always in the way of his reflection. Even though he couldn't see himself, Louis explained he could smell himself. Although, no matter how well he showered the smell wouldn't leave, and he would never get wet, because the water just went through him. Even Axe couldn't handle the smell. Louis gave up and came down stair to us. Louis told us we can here us and think but when he tried talking to us he couldn't. Louis gave up, ate his pancakes and left outside. When I grabbed him he wanted to explain everything, but he couldn't. He gave up and left to the park bench, with nothing better to do, already aware of the ability to turn things gray (due to his gray bed in the morning), and wither people away. After a couple days he said he lost almost all ability to move by himself. He can only really force himself.

  Louis was about to say one last detail that he claimed to be important, but before he could his ten minutes of fame were up, and he return to his gray, unable to speak, unable to control his movement self. Louis just plopped back into bed facing the wall. "Damn", Harry murmured. "So.. you're being haunted....?", I said to a still hearing Louis. "What'll we do, mates?", Zayn asked. Then a light bulb clicked on above my head. "Liam! YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU THREE WATCHED THE FILM TO THE END, CORRECT?", I shouted. "More like just me with these two cowering behind sofa cushions.", Liam scoffed in reply. I ran over to him and gripped his button up. "DID THEY FIND OUT HOW TO CURE, THE GIRL IN THE FILM, WITH THE SAME CONDITION AS LOUIS?", Harry read my mind. "Well, Yes, and the thought did cross my mind once or twice, although it is way to difficult to-" "WELL, WE HAVE TO TRY!", The three of us shouted. "There's no harm in trying, Liam.", I reassured. "Errrr, you're... right. There's no harm done.. hopefully.", Liam said. "WHAT DO WE NEED WOMAN!", Zayn urged. Liam scoffed. "ONE, I AM NOT A WOMAN. SECOND.... Gather 'round.." We all huddled around Liam as he told us what we need to do to save Louis before the DEMON WITCH kills him at some point.

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