4: Rosemary vs Aznarepse: Chick Fight

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  I've been walking for what seemed like an hour. I wanted to stop, but before I did I began seeing a white spec emerge from the darkness. I began to run and run and run. After a few minutes the spec became a HUGE throne-like chair.

  My gaze started from the top of the 20 foot throne, then made themselves go down from there. Once reaching the bottom my eyes gaped, and I was taken aback. on the white chair was..


  Luckily she hadn't spotted me yet, because I was wearing all black, including a black knit winter hat. I watched in the shadows, or really blackness because there were no shadows, for a bit. She was a gorgeous black and white she-devil. How can someone so stunning be so mean. Oh.. right.. Exhibit A: Mean Girls. Exhibit B: Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.

  I realized Aznarepse had hidden guards and servants all dressed in black. I had to be sneaky if I wanted to talk to her. I stuffed my naked hands in my pockets, not until after I pulled my knit hat over my face. Damn, it made me instantly hot. I walked towards Aznarepse after building up the courage for 10 hot minutes. I looked threw the holes in my hat to get to her.

  I still had to walk for 5 minutes until getting in front of her. No one could still see me. I got up to her ear, but not too close so she wouldn't get startled and immediately call her guards, that were hefty, might I say. I began whispering, heatedly. "Why do you do this, Aznarepse? You're killing people every minute. Do you even know? Do you even care? It's terrible what you do! Why do you make people suffer! You scare everyone with this behavior. My own best friend can't even speak to me! He's all gray and he can't even control himself! He won't even eat or go to the bathroom! Please, Aznarepse!" To my surprise she didn't even flinch. Aznarepse adjusted herself so she wasn't slouching anymore. "Ahhh, stage 4, only?" She replied while adjusting. Then, she began with "Oh, Niall, best friend of fellow boy band member Louis Tomlinson, Subject 386. He brought it open himself." I flinched at hearing all our information but quickly regained confidence. I asked "Yes, but why curse him? Why curse everyone?" She quickly yelled "BECAUSE THEY ALL BLOODY DESERVE IT!", earning looks and getting me taken aback. "Do the-y, D-Do They r-really?", I shakily asked. "YES!!", she screamed twice as loud. Then she continued. "My patience with you is up!" She pushed me over to the front of her with her staff. W-what?

 "GUARDS! GET OUT HERE, READY STANCES!" The big Goons came out, me barley able to see them. "Oh, Nially, I can say that you are one of the greatest stragglers I've ever spoken to." "You- You can see me?", I replied, scared for my life. "Oh, Niall, number one rule of hiding and looking at someone, when you can see them they can see you, and all you little holes." The guards began closing in. "And Please! Do you not think anyone else has every tried this?" I began backing up. I took my hands out of my pocket and my hat off. The gig was up. "But I do admit,", she started again. "You are very cute. Maybe I can have you as my fierce scary prince?", she cooed. I shook my head vigorously. She began chuckling. "Awww, you think you have a choice! Cute. GUARDS GET HIM!", She quickly spoke. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and felt the grains. I pulled out the rosemary and dashed it at her. "BLAH! That won't work for me! A- AHCHOOOOOOO!", She sneezed. I turned to run, just ending up bumping into a guard. He snickered and lifted me by the back of my black shirt. I looked around and see all the guards had stopped and snickered. Aznarepse talked " Well that was rather quick." She spoke to soon. I kicked the man in the bollocks. He dropped me fast in pain, and grabbed himself, groaning. " I quickly recovered and got up. "Oi!" All the guards yelled. I bolted past the groaning guard on the floor, in to the darkness. "I AM SO LUCKY YOU'RE A PALE ONE! BACK UP! WE NEED BACK UP NOW!" I heard Aznarepse yell behind me. I took that advice and stuffed my hands in my pocket. I rummaged around a bit, in search of my hat that I took off. I grabbed something hard and pulled it out. I saw I had my walkie talkie! I tuned it while running, never looking back at the gibberish screeching guards. I don't think they spoke English.

  I finally picked up a noise. I pressed down on the button on the top of the talkie. "HELP, GUYS!", I yelled into it. I heard collapsing. They must have gotten startled. I think Zayn's sitting on the Walkie Talkie's button. After some silence, except the screeching behind me, I heard Liam's soothing voice. "Niall?! NIALL?! WHAT'S WRONG, MATE?!", he yelled, panicked. I yelled back "I AM GETTING CHASED BY AZNAREPSE'S GOONS, MAN! THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ME EVEN MORE NOW BECAUSE I THREW ROSEMARY AT HER TOO! SPOILER ALERT: IT DIDN'T PUT HER TO REST!? WHY, LIAM WHY DIDN'T IT JUST STOP EVERYTHING!? WHY, LIAM!", I was a wreck. I began sobbing. "Oh- OH GOD, NIALL! RUN LIKE FUCK!", I heard Harry yell, panicking. I ran and ran for about 8 minutes. My legs were going to kill me, before the guards do. I then saw it. White square spec. "LIAM!", I yelled. I face palmed mentally. I didn't press the button. I pressed the button and tried again. Luckily the guards stopped momentarily when I called out 'LIAM!' the first time. "LIAM!", I yelled in to the talkie. "Yeah, Mate!?", He quickly replied. "OPEN THE PORTAL!", I whisper - screamed so the guards couldn't hear. "GOT IT! ", I heard. As I came closer I saw the rippling effect on the white square, and the distorted panicked faces on the other end.

                                              'I'm Coming.' I though while crying silently.

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