5: Until Death Do Us Part

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  As I began getting closer and closer, I wondered how I ran so far, due to the now lost feeling in my legs. My tears have now dried out and I am very dehydrated. My face is stained and sticky. I've lost hope in trying to get to my somewhat normal life, back through that mirror, so why do I keep running? I get it. It is not for me, or my life, or my life and I. It is for my friends. For them to see me one last time. For me to reassure them life without me will be just fine. Maybe even better. 

  I was only 2 minutes away. The mirror being right in front of me was just an illusion.

  I looked back, BIG mistake. The Guards were already hot on my tail, but me tripping on to the ground made that ten times worse. Getting up would only lead to them catching me. I looked forward and army crawled for my life. I didn't even dare to look up. I crawled and crawled faster than I ever could. I thought the guards had gone far behind, but then I guess I was wrong. I hit my head hard on something in front of me. I quivered and shook. I looked up slowly while praying harder then I ever had. I had hit one of those big hefty HUGE...














  I grabbed the bottom of the mirror's frame and began hoisting myself up. I felt multiple hands grab my arms and began pulling me up in to the mirror. Once I was half way through and able to see everyone well. I thought we had a change to escape. I thought.. I should stop doing that.

  Pain. Pain shot through my legs, before I could even feel the gripping and yanking. Liam, Harry and Zayn's grasps' slipped a bit, but they had a good grip on my wrists and fore arms. Louis was kind of just standing back and watching the treacherous events. It wasn't his fault. He couldn't control his body. If he could help I'm sure we would be able to escape with his strength.

  Both parties pulled at my limbs, as if I was the greatest prize in the world, that is absolutely unsharable. They pulled at the same time which was a bad decision, because they were tearing up my abdomen. I couldn't do anything about it though. One: Because I'm a bit tied up at the moment. Also, two: Because they need to pull at the same time, otherwise the Guards will get me, and murder me.

  I tried making the processes a bit easier for the lads, by shimmying my way towards them, which really turned out to be just shimmying in the spot. I tried multiple other things like launching myself, a definite no.

  Then it happened. I guess this wasn't my lucky day. Hey, can't deny god's decisions. I guess I with drawled long enough. Everything played in slow motion. The palms of my teammates became sweaty. One slip up was all it took for my life to fade. Hopefully I die quickly. Well, I'm definitely missing tonight's football game.

  This is how it went down. The foes pulled, the boys countered with a yank, followed by a slip of the hand, or hands. I was finished. Done for..

  The goons pulled back for a retaliating win. I hit the ground with a thud, back following my head. My blond hair slowly becoming a pink-y red from the blood oozing from my head. I rubbed my head, then looked at my hand. Yeah, that's blood alright. I heard multiple snickering voices above me. I looked up, placing my hand on the floor beside my hip. They surrounded me. There were at least 20, but who knows how many were behind the surrounding party.

  I slowly faded away. My eyes blinking a few times, trying to re-focus at the now blurry scene before me. Before I faded out I saw the guards closing in, when.. something yanked 3 back. They were out of sight. Out of sight out of mind, I guess. Well, what does it matter anyway? In a few moments my mind will be useless anyways.

  My eyes slowly, and painfully fluttered open. Pain bounced all through out my body. Pain which I could feel before I awoke. Only a few were detectable really. Right eye, nose, bottom lip. left ear, back of head. I finally took in the room. The black room in the mirror. I guess we were defeated if I'm still in here. God wanted to show me what I had done. I looked painfully to my left. Blood stained mirror at my face. Illusion. I turned painfully to my right, my neck was throbbing. Sound came back through me like an audio bullet.

  Crys of pain, battle cries, and whimpers shot everywhere. The scene before me was a gruesome Battle Royale. The guards were pumbling the lads. They tackled, headbutted, and sat on them. Three teenage boys were no match for them. I couldn't move. All I could do was wince it pain. Then I heard a battle cry that could win awards. I could not turn my head to see who the source of the sound was. No matter though because my arms were grabbed, and I was dragged to be brought to my death, at last. No, to victory? Nevertheless, I was going back through the mirror painfully. To late savior, I'm already dying. My savior stopped all of a sudden. He came in to view.  Liam. He didn't look too bad. A little scratch here, a little bruise there. He was okay. Thank god. One down, two to go. He lifted me up while I winced, and groaned. He tried being careful, but it just didn't cut it. He had to carry me, which was pretty awkward, but having to have to carry me bridal style was worse. HE ALSO had to sneak me away from the guards, and this didn't help.

  He finally lifted me through the glass, and who did I see in my last moments? None other then Louis himself. He had the portal open, but not just with his arms leaning through the glass. He was holding a gun and a knife while doing it. There is the Louis I know. Louis jumped out the mirror when I got through and ran to the guards. He shot and stab repeatedly, and yelled "YOU-WILL-NEVER-KILL-MY-BEST-MATE-EVER!", with each kill.

  Aw, Louis. We will always be best friends. Until death do us part.

  "Oh, wait, that's right......", I said aloud, whilst fading into eternal darkness.

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