Ch 6 Found You

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"It going to be fine you're going to do great out there I just know it" Jazz told me

"You always do really well at this stuff" Angela replied

"I know but this time it different" I told them

"Like how" Angela asked

"Well this my twin brother lives here in Tulsa all I wanted to do since my mom told me is meet him but he has no idea that I'm his brother"

"If you want to meet your twin brother maybe go for a walk and see if you can find him out there but just be back for the finals to start" Mr.Miyagi told me

"That just what I did I went outside the building with Jazz and Angela to go find my brother hope this works out

"Hey look over there" I said

We went over to this building with a sign XD as we walked in

"Johnny what brings you here I thought you were with Pony" some guy asked me

Oh he must be my brother's friend or something like that this guy had movie star looks I could see him getting lots of girls

"I'm not Johnny that my twin brother your talking about" I replied to him

"Ha ha ha every funny Johnny I know you don't have a brother"

"He dose have a brother my name is Daniel, Daniel Larusso"


"He is Daniel" Jazz told him

"OK don't believe me I'm just looking for Johnny we got spit up at birth and I never got to meet him before"

"OK not Johnny he should be hanging out at my house" he told me

"Can you take us there"

We all walked over to where Johnny was as we stopped at some house I think might be the guy's house that he was talking about

"We're here" he said as we walked inside

As soon as I walked in everyone looked at me even the guy I think is my brother

"See I told you I'm not Johnny"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"Who are you why do you look like me" Johnny asked me

"I'm your twin brother Daniel you might not know me because we got spit up as a baby" I told my brother

"I don't have a brother" he said backing up

"Yes you do here look"

I him the birth papers my mom gave be before leaving home just in case and Johnny looked at them then smiled at me

"I can't believe I have a brother and what I have a different mom this whole time my dad's wife was my step mom"

"Our mom is really nice she didn't want to give you up but she had to and mom wanted me to tell you that she love you"

"Even know that I don't know her that well I love her too"

After all the questions Johnny asked and I answered them we sat on the couch taking it all in

"I think mom would love to meet you one day"

Johnny Cade POV

I think my life just got better and I wonder what mom looks like what would she think of me I hope she like me as much as I think I'm going to like her

"I hate to go maybe now that we found or aka I found you we can hang out as brother sometime" he told me

Daniel was about to walk out the door but I stopped him

"Wait how did you find me" I asked

"Mom told me you lived here with dad far from us"

"Far then why are you here now"

"Oh I have a karate thing today and the finals here in Tulsa" he told me

"Is that why you wear that headband on your head" Pony asked him

"Yep that why"

"Wow you do karate I would like to come and see what you do sometime"

"Why don't you come right now"


"Yes and you can bring your friends along too"

I look at Daniel and Smiled with happy eyes as I heading out the door with Pony, Dallas, Soda, Steve, Two-Bit and Darry following me

"Sorry for thinking you were Johnny my name is Sodapop but you can just call me Soda for short" he told Daniel

"I can't believe it been 16 years of not knowing" I said

"We're here" Daniel said opening the door for us

We walked in the building as we took a seat at the stands waiting for Daniel to get ready in his karate outfit

Hope you like PS gracebean02 is Angela Weston Jazz bff pictures of her above

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