Ch 8 New Life

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I told mom what dad dose to me and after a month later she was able to use that against him and get back full custody of me I now live with them in the house Daniel and I were made in witch is just ewww the house is not too far from my friend Pony's so I can still see the gang whenever I want miygai doesn't live far from here so that's good we are still able to see the same people that we seen before so nothing change just added more but the only thing that worry me is my girlfriend Paige she still sick it went from getting sick in the bathroom to being bitchy and eating a lot I don't know what wrong

"Paige do you want me to get you anything" Jazz asked

"No thanks I'm good"

"Baby I know you say you're good but I'm worried about you you're still sick and it doesn't seem to get any better plus your gaining weight" I told her

"Don't worry I know why I'm sick my mom found out before I did so I know why now"

"Then tell me" I asked

"I will but after dinner I want to whole gang to know so I can get it done and over with"

After that I went over to Daniel who was outside of the Curtis's house doing some karate he was kicking with his feet and doing all kinds of things one day I'm going to be a karate man just like my brother

"Wow I love how you do karate"

"Want me to teach you because I can if you want" he told me

"Really" I replied with a smile

He showed me how to a crake kick it was hard at first but I got the hang of it and that's when Pony and Two-Bit came out to learn some karate with us

"This is so much fun" Pony said

"Guys look what I can do"

Two-Bit tried to do a kick spin in the air but fell to the ground everyone laughed even Two-Bit laughed at himself

"I guess I still need to work on it"

"you will get it one day you know I never got karate the first time I tried I believe you can do it" Daniel told him

Everyone in the gang loves having Daniel around he can turn your bad days into good days they even like having Jazz and Angela around too I know Pony like having Angela around they spent so much time together I won't be surprise if they started dating.

"Guys time for dinner" darry told us

We all sat at the table eating

"I don't know what to do anymore"

"What do you mean babe" I asked

"Never mind I will tell you after dinner"


After dinner we clean up then went into the living room

"So what did you want to tell us" I asked Paige

"I don't know if you guys will do ok with this" Paige said with tears in her eyes

"Whatever it is I'm here for you" I gave her a hug to tried to calm her down

"Yes you are all here for you" soda told her

"My mom found out that me and Johnny did something a month ago and I was getting sick"

"What are you trying to say" Daniel asked

Paige started to cry in my arms

"I don't want you to leave me Johnny"

"I would never do that or I would have done that a long time ago babe"

She gets up and started to talk

"Ok here I go. I'm..... I'm.....I'm..... I'm pregnant with Johnny kid and I don't care what you say I'm keeping it" she cried

I smiled when I heard that she having my kid I'm going to have a kid to take care of wow

Daniel Larusso POV

I can't believe my brother going to have a kid and I'm going to be and uncle to the little girl or boy

"Hey Johnny all your bad days or turning good just for the better" I said

"Yep new life is going to be here in 9 months" Paige replied

~Tell me what you guys think of this chapter and please comment some more ideas for other chapters if you want more updates on this book

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