Ch 23 Getting The Party Ready

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Johnny Cade POV

"We can cancel the baby shower to a other day if you want we don't have to do it today Paige is ok with it" I told Soda

"No it ok I actually think the baby shower will help get my mind off Sandy"

"Are you sure"

"Yes I'm 100% sure"

"Ok well I'm going to check on the girls to see how they're doing on the party"

I walked inside Paige's house that I stay at now to see all the gang helping out and of course Pony and Angela are working together I wasn't too surprised because I know they like each other


Pony came up to me kind of mad but not really that mad

"Johnny why did you yell at me can't you see I'm helping out Angela"

"Yes Pony I can see that and I can also see that you like her"

"What no I don't like her" Pony said trying to cover up the truth

"Pony I know you better than anyone here don't lie to me plus everyone in the gang can see that you like her"

"Ok I do like her a lot but she only see me as a friend so why should I try"

"Pony you don't know that have you ever asked Angela"

"No but-"

I cut him off

"There's no but here now why don't you go ask her out"

"I can't I'm too shy what if she says no can you please ask her for me"

"Can't ask her it has to come from you but maybe after the baby shower is over we can work something out that might help you to ask her"

"I can help you you too if you want" Daniel told him coming in to our conversation

"Thank you guys now let's hope this work"

After all that with Pony I went over to paige to give her a hand

"Need any help Baby cakes" I asked Paige

"Sure you can move some of the drinks out onto the table for our guess"

"What do you mean guess it just my mom Mr. Miyga and the gang"

"And my mom they are our guess now go help we don't have all day"

I helped Paige, Taralyn, and Dallas with the drinks but every 10 times Taralyn and Dallas would kiss each other so that didn't really help us too much

"I can see why Paige needed my help we can't go one minute without you two kissing" I told him

"Shut up Johnny" Dallas said as he smacked me in the head


Paige tried not to laugh when Dallas hit me but not in a mean way and I could see Dallas and Taralyn trying not you laugh as well then I walked over to Paige and kissed her belly

"Was that funny little princess daddy can't wait to meet you" I said talking to the little one inside Paige

I put my hand on her belly moved it slowly around just then our little princess kicked I looked at Paige smiling as she smiled back at me

"She kicking"

"That's her way of saying I hear you daddy"

By then I had Tears rolling down my cheeks as I smiled it was the best feeling ever and I wouldn't change it one bit no way no how

What do you think going to happen in the next chapter please comment your thoughts

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