Ch 19 Bob's Couisn?

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Johnny cade POV

Dallas new girlfriend seem nice looks like those 2 get along real good and we all thought he wouldn't get the girl

"JOHNNY" Paige yelled


Paige walked in the house and come up to me with some table cloths

"Johnny I can't decide on which table cloths to use for the baby shower this Saturday"

She showed me the table cloths one was white with pink pictures of baby girl all over it and another one was pink with the world baby girl on it

"I think the second one would work the one that says baby girl on it" I told her giving her a big kiss on the lips

"Get a room you two" Pony said covering his eyes

"If you don't like what you see that go"

"Hey be nice, Pony my friend"

"Sorry babe sorry Pony"

"It's ok" Pony replied

Just then Daniel come in running

"Daniel slow down what wrong" Darry asked

Daniel stopped and walked up to us out of breath

"It's this guy Name Johnny not you other Johnny from the Cobra Kai Karate Dojo he wants to fight me again to win my tiled"

"Oh man that's bad, what did you do" I asked him

"I told him no that I'm not joining the tournament this year but he got his friends to beat me up then they left me there to die"

"Could you use your karate" Two-bit asked him

"Sometimes karate doesn't always work"


We heard a voice say he name so we walked outside to see Bob and other blonde hair guy

"What do you want Johnny"

Oh that's The other Johnny Daniel was telling us about

"Look here Pale you are going to fight my cousin Johnny in this tournament and he going to kick your ass" Bob said

Wait Bob and this Johnny guy are cousins how didn't I not see this coming

"I'm not going to the karate tournament I haven't signed up for it this year so no"

"I'm going to make you sign those papers Daniel you can't back out now" Johnny told him

Daniel LaRusso POV

I can't believe Johnny I thought he was over this I thought we were finally becoming friends but I guess not

"What did I just tell you no I'm not going"

"Fine kid you just made the biggest mistake of your life" Bob said

They both got in the car and drive away

"Those two sickening me" Angela said while rolling her eyes and crossing her arms

"Ya I know what you mean they sickening me too" Jazz replied

We all walked back in the house and sat around the living room

"It going to be ok Daniel if they think they want to fight they have to go through me first" Dallas told me

"That if Bob doesn't knock you out first" Taralyn laughed

"Shut up it was only one time"

I hope you guys like and hope you guys aren't too confused of which Johnny is which i decided to make Bob from the outsiders and Johnny from the karate kid cousins because they are both rich and blonde it just makes sense to me

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