Parting Ways

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"Yuri-ya, we don't have to really break up, we just avoiding going out in public that's all." he tried his best to reason me out.

"I don't like to be put in this kind of position Yoongi-ya, if you can't tell a soul that I'm your girlfriend then what does it means anyway," I answered him coldly.

"Are you sure this is your final answer? You know I still love you right?" he persuaded me with his almost teary eyes but it won't work anymore, I've made up my mind.

"Goodbye Min Yoongi, have a new great life without me."

I opened my eyes.

I looked at the blind less window, it's still dark outside.

"Damn those dreams!" I let out a deep sigh and get up from the bed.

It's been almost two months after that, but I'm still having the same dreams every night.

Min Yoongi and I have known each other for ages. He asked me out for our first date on Valentine's day in our first year of high school. From that day on our friendship have changed into a love relationship.

Min Yoongi was born artist, his brain could create a melody within a few minutes if you asked him too, and that's not the only thing that he could perfectly do. Drawing, singing, playing the music sheets, writing beautiful lyrics, you named it and he can do all the stuff that a K-pop idols could do. The last and most importantly his cute and innocent face that would make every girls heart flutter.

He was perfect.

But those are in fact the things that drove us apart from each other. He was aware of his raw talents, and he wanted the whole world to recognize it.

One day a girl came. This girl has been obsessed with Yoongi ever since the first day she laid her eyes on him. I knew. It's a girlfriend hunch. But Yoongi didn't believe me and said that I'm just a little too possessive.

Unfortunately for me, that girl who people called Park Soora was someone with unlimited resources and a jaw dropped background. She's the heiress of a giant multi business company and through that, she gains Yoongi interest little by little.

At first, she tried to introduce him to any music producers that she could get her hands on to. She could actually ask her Dad to get him into his company, but she's smart enough to know that if she did, it would only drove Yoongi away. Yes, she's that obsessed so she knows that Yoongi hated to be dolled up. Yoongi would want the world to recognize his own efforts and talents not his connections.

One of those producers finally giving Yoongi a chance to prove himself. I remember that day clear as crystal. The day when he was accepted to be a trainee.


I was waiting for him in our usual spot at the park as he requested. Yoongi said he had something important to talked about. I have no idea what it was, but he sounded really serious on the phone, and it making me nervous.

What if he wanted to break up with me?

I paced back and forth in try to suppress my racing heartbeats. He's late. It was already fifteen minutes after five, he asked to meet me at five. He was not the punctual type but was never late on purpose.

And then I finally saw him, he walked slowly towards me looked somehow dejected.

"Yoongi-ya, what's with the long face?" I gathered up my shattered courage to confront it.

"Yuri-ya..." he took a deep sigh at that, "I just got a phone call saying...." he stopped at that leave me hanging.

"Saying what? What phone call?" I urged.

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