Meet Again

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I froze in my spot. I was afraid that I've gone insane. I saw his face all day today, since today is his first birthday after his debut with his band members. His fans made a project and put his face on the buses to congratulate him on his birthday. Maybe that's why I'm hallucinating right now.

Yoongi was debuted under the stage name Suga with his fellow trainees and called themshelves BTS. Their debut was a succesful one. People said that they brought a new sound of music in K-Pop industry. That's why they're faces were everywhere lately.

I tried not to notice him but it's hard when every girl that I met talked about them all the time. He finally get to taste his dreams. Eventhough it still hurt seeing his face, but I can't help to be happy for him.

"Is this true?" he exclaimed and waving a sheet of paper in front of me. He's wearing a loose sweat shirt, ripped jeans and a beanie. Dang! He looked good.

And damn it he spoke, this mean he's real.

"What is?" I managed to form a sentence despite my shock.

"You sent me a birthday present" he said that make me even more puzzled.


"Kang Yuri, please...." he pleaded and heck I didn't even understand the meaning of any of this.

"Woah....that guy looked like Suga from BTS" I heard one of the teenage girl customer told her friends, thanks to Yoongi's sudden grand entrance that successfully gain everyone attentions at us. The last thing I want right now was his fan girls swarming around my shop trying to at least take a glance at their idol.

So I took his hand and drag him into the elevator heading upstairs. I let his hand go when we're inside the elevator but he took my hand back.

"Yoongi, let my hand go....." I set my best poker face even though my heart beatings like crazy right now.

"Don't wanna..." he answered without looking at me and hold my hand even tighter. I sighed but feeling not in the mood to start a fight so I let him be. I stepped out from the elevator with Yoongi on my tail.

I turned around to face him, but then he suddenly did something outrages.

He kissed me.

On the lip.

Damn it, I know that my poker face has failed me this time because his kiss bring back all the happy memories that we had shared.

"Yoongi stop it" I managed to struggle free and push him away. But he hold my shoulders, pushed me against the wall and started kissing me again.

I won't deny it, I missed him so much, I missed his laughter, his smile, his joke, his swag style and most definitely his kisses. My brain tried to telling me that this is wrong, but my body doesn't responded to my brain anymore.

I kissed him back.


I can't think anymore, his lips that touches mine was so soft and warm. Even if I don't like to admit it I remember this lips. I parted my lips a little to gasp for some air, but he take the chance to deepen the kiss. I hate the fact that I love this, I love him. Still.

He slowly move down to my neck, nibbling at a spot that make me let out a small moan and my breath started to hitch. His hands started to unbuttoned few of my upper shirt buttons while I surrender my self completely to him.

And then my intercom rang.

Talked about saved by the bell.

I gained back my scattered brain and pushed him away with a little determination that I have left.

"Stop it Yoongi-ya, please...." my voice came out kinda raspy. He let me go then. I stepped to receive the call from downstairs. It's one of the workers saying that they already closed the shop and want to head back home ~Wow, we make out that long? ~ So I just gave them my permission.

"Yuri-ya..." he called my name right after I put down the phone.

"Why are you here now Yoongi?" I found my lost confident and face him this time.

"You still love me...." it's not a question it's a statement.

"What? No!.." I denied everything that just happened. I'm not going to let him dissapointed me again.

"You sent me a birtday present, it came with Yoona's letter. She told me everything. She said you still called my name in your dreams. You still wearing our couple ring. And you bought my birthday gift long before today even though you don't have any intention to send it to me. And what we have just now, it's enough prove that you still love me"

Damn it you evil Kang Yoona, you tricked me into sending my own gift for him.

"I hate you..." that's how I responded.

"I know, but you still love me..." Yoongi looked deep into my eyes. "You have every right to hate me, but you still love me, and it gave me enough reason to win you back. I'm going to win your heart back Yuri, I promised you"

"It's too late...... and you're a famous idol now, which give you more solid reason to do what you had once did to me" I refused to give up to his reasoning. "I don't wanna go back to you again. Ever."

"I can change your heart Yuri-ya, just wait and see, I won't make the same mistake." I chuckled darkly to respond him.

"I'm not the same girl that left you back then, alot of shits happened since, I doubted you still know me by now."

He stepped forward and hold my shoulders, I try to break free but I couldn't. We locked gaze for a few seconds, but it's enough to make my heart fluttered again ~Oohh, stop it heart~. I turn my gaze around and cleared my suddenly dry throat.

"Please leave me alone Min Yoongi, you're not welcome here."

"No, you're the exact same girl that I love back then and the girl that I love still. You're just became tougher that's all. But you're still you. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to be by your side on the darkest hours of your life but I'm here now." his voice sounded so confident that I almost believed him.

"I'll come back tomorow, I know my way back" he said that and gave me a quick peck on the lip that I couldn't dodge. He walked to the elevator and press the button.

"Good night baby..." he said that between the elevator door that almost closed.

After he's gone I slumped to the floor feeling so out of energy all of a sudden.

Dear God, what's gonna happened to me now?


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