First Attack

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"Yuri-ya, that guy got a serious crush on you" Yoongi's comment made me widened my eyes.

"What are you talking about? He just being friendly that's all. Let me just listen to the song." I took my phone and started to browse my folders. But suddenly Yoongi took it away from my hand.

I stared at him incredulously. "Give it back!" I almost shouted. Making the other customers looking at our direction.

"Uh..uh, I'm not letting you listen to it while I'm here. I won't let you think about another guy when I'm right in front of you" he tried to act cutely but I just scoffed.

"Your aegyo won't work on me Yoongi, now give it back!" I stretched out my hand to him, but instead giving it back he put my phone in his jacket pocket.

"I'll return it when I'm done here."

"Fine, then just do what you wanna do then leave" I crossed my arms waiting for his answers.

"I want to order the KOKA's barista signature coffee" he smugly smiled. KOKA is our coffee shop brand, and the reason why his smug smile appears was that our barista, Kim Minseok wasn't here at this kind of hour.

"You know exactly Minseok oppa was not here right now, he's teaching"

"Then I'll wait until he arrived" he smile triumphantly.

"Urggh..suit your self, I'm leaving" I yanked my bag that I put under the counter and headed to the elevator. To my surprise, Yoongi holds the elevator door when it's about to close.

"You forgot your phone" he said with a stupid smile on his face. I stretched out my hand to receive my phone, but Yoongi then get inside the elevator and press the button.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm bringing you your phone" I really just couldn't understand all of his lame excuses. So I just pursed my lips and walked out from the elevator after we get to the second floor, ignoring him.

"By the way how come I never met Yoona whenever I'm here?" Yoongi who's trailing me nonchalantly asked. Seems like he didn't mind at all with my hostile attitude.

"It's none of your business, she's my sister, not yours," I said while taking a half empty mineral water bottle inside the fridge and drank it all in one go in trying to cool down my head from the rage that caused by this stupid guy.

When I turned my body around, Yoongi was only one step away from me.

"What do you want?!" I exclaimed.

"I want to kiss you" he said bluntly making me choke on my mineral water. I googled my eyes at him, but he just keeps on smiling and lean his head down.

I clasped my free hand to my mouth, while my other hand that still held my mineral water bottle smacked his head with it as hard as I can.

"What makes you think that you could just come here and kiss me anytime you like? If you wanna kiss someone why don't you just go to Park Soora. I'm sure she'd love to kiss you back anytime" I shouted my frustration at him.

And he just chuckled at me, which makes me angrier if that even possible. He seemed really enjoying all of this torturing he's been doing to me. But what made me even angrier is that deep down inside I don't even have the will to kicked him out of my house. Even though he irritated me to death.

"You know I'm actually waiting for you to bring up her name, cause I'm afraid that if I'm the one bringing it up you would kill me because of your jealousy" he then lightly laugh at his own words.


"Not interested" I snorted. Yoongi ignored my lack of enthusiasm and started to talk.

"After I broke up with you, she came almost every day to see me and one day she eventually said that she wanted to be my girlfriend. That's when I realized what you've said is true, that she really wanted to ruin our relationship so she can be with me. But I told her that even if I'm not with you, I'm still in love with you and I've never been interested with her. After that she threw a tantrum at our dorm, saying that she wasted her time for me. And then she said a single guy is not attractive anymore, seems like she got a bad habit to ruin a couple relationship just to proved to anyone that she had the power in her hand to do that. Since that day I never saw her again. End of story"

He looked at me intently trying to study my face. I turned my gaze around afraid that I will blush because of his intense stare.

"Yuri-ya, please forgive me" he suddenly said it with a very soft voice. I almost lose my control but I kept on silent.

Suddenly his phone rang making both of us jumped in surprise.

Second time saved by the bell.

Yoongi sluggishly took his phone. "Eoh Namjoon-ah, wae?" he spoke after looking at the caller ID.

"I'm out, but it's not far from our dorm"

"Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes"

Yoongi gazed back to me again. "Yuri-ah, please give me one more chance to prove you that I'm the right guy for you, and you are my one and only girl for me."

"It's not that easy Yoongi-ah" I finally answered him.

"I know, but I promised you that I'm here for you now for good. You know what I've regretted the most in the last nine months that we separated? It was when you lost your parents and I can't even be here for you to at least wiped your tears away. So just please give me a chance to make it up to you. Please think about it, I'll be right here when you ready to answer."

I didn't know where were my energies left me, but I felt so weak after hearing his arguments. I couldn't even push him away when he pulled me into his embrace. He held me tightly as if to prove to me that he won't ever let me go again. After a minute of silence in his warm embrace, he finally let me go.

"I need to go now, but I'll be back again tomorrow" he kissed my forehead really softly that almost made me in tears.

"Bye baby" he walked to elevator with a warm smile on his face, I just followed him with my gaze helplessly.

I seriously need to check my head, because I could never think clearly every time he's around.

Or maybe it's my heart that I should check....


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