Life Goes on

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"Good morning boss" Jongin's cheerful voice greet me when I came down to our coffee shop counter. The other workers are staying in the kitchen and doing some morning preparation after our shop open.

"Stop calling me boss, you know I hate it" I flicked his forehead even though I have to tiptoe to did it since he's wayy taller than me.

"But I can't call you noona anymore, Soojung will scolded me again if she found out, even though she's really cute when she's jealous" he grinned at that.

"Then just call me my name, we're only a year apart anyway, will your girlfriend still be mad that way too?"

"No way, that'll be disrespectful. You know I respected you alot, I always think that you are a very amazing girl. I've decided that I'm going to make you as my role model in life."

"Shut it, don't suck up to me so early in the morning, I'm still not going to raise your paycheck"

"Aww..boss, you're such a cold hearted girl" I try to smacked his head but he managed to get away from me while giggling. Jongin and I were close even before I manage the shop, he's been a part timer in the shop for almost a year now. Maybe because we're almost the same age that's why we clicked, he used to call me noona, but two months ago he found him self a girlfriend. Jung Soojung. He stopped calling me noona because of her. It's not that I don't like her, but sometimes she gets wayy possessive over her boyfriend.

The shop's door bell chime and we both greet our customer in unison.

"Oh,'re early today" Jongin asked one of our regular customer. Jung Yonghwa is a famous musician his studio was just a few blocks away from the shop, and he always come to our shop when he's working in the studio.

"Actually... I haven't going home since yesterday, you know how the life of a musician, when I got an inspiration I just can't stop working." he smiled warmly making anyone who seen him know his passion for his works.

"Are you working on your new album?" I asked him curiously.

"Yeah, but you know it's off the records" he winked at me playfully.

"You know you can always order a delivery if you're busy Yonghwa-sshi" Jongin told him.

"Oh..but I didn't come here just for the coffee Jongin-ah"

"Aaahhh...right" Jongin exchange look with Yonghwa and then turn to face me."But the Ice Princess here is just as cold as usual, and if one day you could actually ask her out, I would acknowledge you as my mentor in conquering a girl's heart"

"Would the two of you please stop bullying me?" I commented their conversation sarcastically.

"See....." Jongin said and exchange small laugh with Yonghwa. Both of them loved to tease me this way, but I just find it as their friendly gesture.

"Unnie..." Yoona came down to the shop, she's already in her school uniform, I equiped the shop with a small elevator so Yoona could freely go up and down everytime she needs to.

"Did you forget this or do you plan to not deliver it?" she pouted and show me the box that she gave me last night.

"Good morning princess" Yonghwa greet her before I could answer. I sighed a little and walk to her side.

"I didn't forget nor planning to not deliver it, I'll take it to Fed-Ex on my way to campus okay" I explained. "Now smile a little, you're being rude to our customers." she just mumble a sorry and gave the box to me before pushing her wheel chair towards Yonghwa who's already sipping his coffee.

"Yonghwa oppa, why are you here so early in the morning? Are you still not giving up trying to win my unnie's heart?" she said bluntly that make me almost choked. Yonghwa only laughed at her.

"Yah! Kang Yoona!" I snapped at her.

"It's okay Yuri-sshi, you know she's right anyway" Yonghwa chuckled at that.

"My unnie belongs to Yoongi oppa, I won't let you take her away from him" she gave Yonghwa her supposedly "dead glare" but Yonghwa laugh even harder.

"If you won't allow me to date your sister then would you date me instead princess?" Yonghwa teased her, and her cheeks got pink all over.

"I'm not going to date ahjussi like you" she sticked her tongue out and left the man who's still laughing out loud. "Unnie, I don't need a lunch box today, school will be dismissed earlier than usual. I'm off to school. Bye." she waved her hand and headed outside.

"What's in the box anyway boss?" Jongin started his meddling.

"None of your bussiness" I answered coldly but he just shrugged it off since he know better to not meddling with my personal issues.

"If you want to send it just around town, I know a fast courier service, I regularly used it too. They can pick up the package here and send it for you so you don't have to come to their counter" Yonghwa told me.

"Really? That'll be more convenience, can I have their number?" I asked him.

"I'll call them for you" he smile and reached out his phone.

"Thank you," I said my gratitude.

"Anything for you milady" he answered back.

Having a big responsibility at my age is not an easy one. Yoona is on her rebelling age now, teen age where everything was a big deal for her. I know better now that reprimanded her would never get us anywhere. That's why I try so hard to be calm when I'm around her, as I was usually more of a hard headed girl. I thought sending her gift to Yoongi through a courier would mean nothing to him anyway, so I did her request.

People say I've change alot, but I learnt to survive in the hard way, so instead of changing I'd say that I grow up. Life did that to people.

After a very long and tiring day in campus I headed back to the shop. I still going around with buses and trains because driving cars still gave me a nightmare. Yoona's requested for me to not driving too, and her trauma was more severe than mine.

Yoona texted me saying that she will spend the night at her friend's house and I gave her permission since tomorrow her school is off.

I'm now sitting at our shop cashier's spot, since one of the workers was taking the day off. It's almost closing time so I just leisurely watching our customers.

Then he just suddenly stood in front of me. I don't know where he come from but it looks like he just running with all his might to get here. His forehead was sweaty and his lungs was out of breath.

Min Yoongi was standing right in front of my eyes.


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