Gathered (1)

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"Hello.... anybody home?"

"Kang Yuri-sshi!" Jongin's shout woke me up from my trance.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"Is something wrong? You've been spacing out a lot since earlier."

", nothing's wrong. I'm just having a bad night" I avoided his gaze.

"You sure? Baekhyun hyung said you had a visitor last night before the shop closed. He said you took him upstairs, you've never take any guy upstairs before." his curiosity was clear in his face.

"It's no big deal...when did you meet with Baekhyun anyway? he got night shift for this week"

"He texted me last night, he said everyone was curious about the guy." I rolled my eyes at that because I'm sure it was Baekhyun a.k.a 'the gossip girl' who's actually curious about it.

"He should've worked at a tabloid instead of a coffee shop," I commented sarcasstically.

Then two boys get into the shop, they both wearing masks and hats and shades, it's just a little after 6 A.M in the morning, why the hell do they need a shade?

"I told you it's the same brand, I recognized the logo on the coffee cups" the one with brownish hair and a deep voice told his friend.

"I guess you right, did Yoongi hyung knew about this place yet? I bet he'll be thrilled." the black hair one said.

"Good morning, what can we get you? We have a breakfast combo if you would like to try." I greeted them when they came to the counter.

"Do you have a branch store beside this one?" the brown hair guy asked instead of answering my question.

"No we don't, this is my one and only shop" I answered smilingly. The two guys exchanged look.

"Are you sure? We just move into the neighborhood two days ago, but one of our hyung always drink this coffee even in our old dorm." the brown hair guy looked puzzle. "Wait did you just said your one and only? Does that mean you owned this coffee shop?" he added more questions.

"Yes I am, and we do deliveries so your hyung probably order a delivery to your old place." I politely responded.

"You're too young to owned a shop" the black hair guy sounded skeptic.

"Don't be rude Kookie..." the brown hair guy warned him softly and the other then mumble a sorry.

"So.....what can we get you?" I repeated my question. The brown hair guy's phone suddenly rang so he answered it and ignored my question...again. I held my sigh cause it would be rude to the customers.

"Eoh Jin hyung, wae?" he talked to his caller.

"I'm at a coffee shop with Jungkook, we found Yoongi hyung's favorite coffee shop, I'm sure he'd be thrill to know that it's just a few blocks away from our dorm." wait this guy just said Yoongi hyung?

Seolma? I watched both of them closely and I realized that they both looked somehow familiar.


They're the BTS members and they said they just moved to the neighborhood?


"Just tell the other hyung to come and have breakfast here hyung, it's just two blocks to the south from our dorm, we'll be waiting. Bye."

"I think we'll try two of your breakfast combo." the one who called Jungkook spoke. But I was too busy with the sudden information that I just get so I didn't noticed it.

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