Gathered (2)

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I went back to the front counter to help Jongin preparing their orders. After finished making 10 cups of coffee someone approaching the counter.

"Are you Kang Yuri-sshi?" Jin suddenly appeared leaving his other member making me gasp a little.

"Yes I am, what can I help you with?" I smile and tried to look normal. He reached out his hand to me so I shook it even though I felt weird.

"I'm Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi's friend, you can call me Jin" he said, and I feel my heart sank. He knew about us.

"Is there something you need?" I took back my hand and ignored his clue about his friendship with Yoongi. He just smile a little at that.

"I heard so much about you from him that's why when Taehyung said he found Yoongi's favorite coffee shop I hurriedly came. Please don't take it wrongly, even though I'm his friend but I'm not in his side regarding what happened to the two of you. I'm actually simphatized with you. I'm really curious to seeing you in person, I think Yoongi described you pretty well, you're exactly like how he pictured you." he smiled me a smile that I think would make his fan girls passed out in spot.

I took a deep breath before answering him. "I don't mean to be rude, but I really don't wanna talk about that guy"

"Yes of course, I'm the one who should apologized for bringing that up. But I want to be your friend or at least for now your new customer. I won't bothered you again." he slightly bowed and excused himself to go back to his friends.

I followed him with my gaze and saw that his other friend gave him a high five when he's back to the VIP room. I faintly heard they congratulate him saying that they never thought Jin was a guy who would go and introduce himself to a girl.

"Jin hyung you're my new hero!" V or the one who called Taehyung by Jin shouted. I smile a little knowing that all of them took Jin gestures towards me differently. So I guess Jin was the only one who knew about me and Yoongi's past.

Jongin came out from the kitchen with a tray full with their orders. "Are the coffee ready boss?"

"Yes, I'll help you take it." I said and pick up the tray that I filled with their requested coffee. We both walked to the VIP room with trays on our hands.

When I entered the room everyone welcomed me with big grin on their faces. With the exception of their beautiful idolic faces, I think they all look and behave just as ordinary as any group of guy friends that hang out on a coffee shop. They all playful, fun and loud. I found myself smiling thinking that Yoongi was surrounded by these guys, I'm sure he'll never feel lonely.

When I'm about to leave with my empty tray someone called me.

"Kang Yuri-sshi, since Jin hyung already introduced himself, would you mind stay here with us for a while? That is if you're not busy of course." I turn around and see that Rap monster was the one saying it. Before I could answered Jongin took my tray from my hand.

"You should stay boss, if you can make them our regular customer, it'd be good for the bussiness." a mischiveous smile plastered on his face as he saying it, and then walked out from the room. I took a deep breath then smile them my bussiness smile and took a seat on an empty spot in the middle of the room.

"Yass!! Thank you for joining us Kang Yuri-sshi. I'm Kim Namjoon born in 1994, I'm two years younger than Jin hyung. I'm the most stylish here of all" I shook the hand that he offered smiling at his friendliness.

"That's just his self proclamined though" the one beside him stand and offered his hand too. "I'm Jung Hoseok, I'm also a 94 line"

"What's your specialty? Kim Namjoon-sshi stage name is Rap monster so I guess he's a rapper. What about you? I couldn't guessed it from your stage name." my curiosity started to perks.

"So you knew about us, I feel honored" Hoseok smiled brightly. "Most girls would squeals or at least gasping at us if they know who we are. Since you were so calm I thought you didn't know us. I don't mean to brag though, and I'm the smooth dancer and rapper of our group."

"Okay, my turn" Jimin stood and pushed Hoseok aside. "I'm Park Jimin and I'm the main dancer. I'm a 95 line same as this alien." he said pointing at V.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, and yeah I'm an alien." I chuckled at that.

"I'm the maknae Jeon Jungkook born in 1997." the last one introduced himself.

"'re as old as my baby sister" I blurted out.

"You have a sister? Is she as pretty as you?" Taehyung sounded excited.

"Please introduce us" Jimin suddenly make a puffed face and begged me. I then found my self laughing at their childish behaviour.

"She's wayy cuter than me, but I don't think I'll alowed any of you to date her." I joked between my suppressed laughter. And they pretended making a sad face.

We then continued talking about random stuffed, like how does it feel to be on stage, to see alot of fan girls screaming their names, etcera, and they asked back at me on how does it feel to be in a bussiness at such a young age, which then reminded them that they didn't know how old I am now.

"I was born in the fall of 1993" I stated after they questioned me.

"Wow, you're just as old as our Yoongi hyung, and there's already people calling you boss. That's awesome!" Taehyung gave me a thumb up.

"Thank you" I smiled back, as our chat continued I realized that Jin not even once mention about Yoongi nor his absence, and I'm grateful for that. I'm not confident that I can keep my poker face if they all keep talking about him.

When they all finished eating their breakfast we end up getting closer to one another, as the kids already felt comfortable calling me noona. I actually amazed that from all of the ten servings that they order five of them was finished by Jin alone, and he still can look like someone who don't eat carbs.

As much as I hate to be around things that related to Yoongi, I can't helped my self to be captivated by their friendliness. Maybe my fate with Yoongi hasn't ended yet.



I'm sorry if this chapter was so random.

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