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{J A Y}

I had just put Caleb down for his nap, he was probably tired from all the times he yelled "car" every time one passed us on the street. His crib was still in my room despite the extra three bedrooms in my house.

I sighed and instantly began to stress.

What if Caleb is scared on his first day? What will I do if he gets hurt? What if all those other kids trample him?

"You're worrying," Miles, a good friend of mine and fiance to my older sister, chuckled. "Your sister told me about your new addition and that you guys are coming over for dinner later. I just came by to pick you up, since I have a car seat and everything."

I gasped playfully, "I have a car seat as well! What? Do you think I'm some kind of evil parent who doesn't buy car seats?"

"Your mom shopped for all that shit," He retorted. "Now grab your precious little bundle, and let's go."

I nodded and gently grabbed a snoring Caleb into my arms. He crinkled his nose a little big and moved his chubby hand over his face. "'Kay, I'm ready."

Miles nodded as we made our way outside and towards his car. 


As we walked into the hose you could practically see Caleb's entire face light up. He's such a curious and social little boy.  He lightly smacked my cheeks together a couple times and gave out an excited squeal at the large gathering of my family.

"So...who's the little fella?" My great aunt, Felicity, gushed.

"Caleb Jay Rivera," I beamed. My dad nodded approvingly and was the first to move towards the little baby. He cradled Caleb in his arms and smiled as Caleb simply giggles and bops his nose with his small hand.

Soon the rest of my family was busy fawning over Caleb, and Lisa (a close family friend) pulled me to the side and spoke in a low tone. "So I heard you met a cute guy..."

I shrugged, "I met a dad. His kid really likes me, so  I talked to him a couple times. It's nothing serious, and you know I don't do the whole dating thing."

Lisa sighed and shook her head, "so what's the story with you and the kid?"

"To put it short," I took a deep breath, "when life gives you a baby, keep it." She snorted at my lame attempt to sound cool.  "No, but he got left at my doorstep and I get attached to things easily."

I watched as my uncle Johnny used Caleb as an airplane causing an obnoxious amount of laughter to come from the baby's mouth. As soon as they stopped Caleb made those adorable grabby hands at me and made a little fuss, "mama!"

I sighed and took his out of uncle Johnny's arms, "what's wrong you little monster? 

"food," he mumbled palming my face. I handed him to my father and went to rummage around in his baby bag which I alway kept strapped to my side. I pulled out his little cup of baby snacks and handed those to my dad.

I 'aw'ed at the sight of my dad and Caleb bonding. My mom walked up beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder, "you love that kid don't you."

I nodded, "I guess I do."

a/n: This chapter is dedicated to @in_love_but_shy for that update you wanted so badly. and I'll update again tomorrow. 

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