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Taking Caleb to go get his shots was a nightmare. He was giggly and bubbly almost the entire way there, and he played with Emmett while he waited, but once the doctor touched him with that needle he was hysterical. 

He cried and refused to let me hold him after, and would only go to Emmett, but after I gave him a lollipop he was my best friend all over again. "Ten out of ten, parenting skills," Peter joked as we made out way into the heat. Caleb and Emmett couldn't care less because Emmett was too immersed in a game of peek-a-boo with Caleb. 

"Shut up," I playfully responded bumping into his shoulder gently. 

He rolled his eyes jokingly, "Where to next, parent of the year?" I sighed and pulled the shopping list my mother gave to me over the phone, while yelling at my nephews about how cake icing is not paint, and, so on. 

"My mom wants me to pick up things for dinner tonight," I responded.


Caleb was fast asleep in his stroller, which caused Emmett to be bored and start begging for every sugary item we would walk past. "How about this," I turn to Emmett who immediately stops his begging, "I'll buy you a whole bag of cotton candy if you finish all your dinner tonight. Deal?"

Emmett nodded eagerly and grabbed the cotton candy from the bottom shelf and tossing it in the cart. Peter shook his head and he rounded the corner with the spices my mother needed in his hands, "bribing Emmett with sugar every time he wants something is going to have him toothless before he's even six."

I fought back a smile at Emmett's pouty face and responded, "whatever, I'm parent of the year I'll have you know. Plus, I know a really great dentist, and I can get you a deal if you-" he cut me off by placing a gentle kiss on my lips. 

"You," he whispered, "are being way too cute in a public place."

I giggled and rolled my eyes. "Let's go check out this stuff, and then it's on to family dinner. Are you still sure you even want to go? I mean, my family is crazier than the ones you see on t.v, plus they kinda already know I like you, and they're gonna bombard you with questions, and I've only known you for a few days-" he pecked my lips once more.

"Yep," he grinned, "if I'm to have a future with the excellent, all knowing, parent of the year, Jay Rivera, then I have to get to know his family."

I snorted, "whatever, loser. Let's go."

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