Chapter 6

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     No. I don't think we should ally. Didn't I just promise myself that I wouldn't form any alliances just last night? I especially do not want Alec of all people to become my ally in the Games. If it ever came down to it, although the chances are pretty slim, I don't think I could ever kill a kid from my own District. If I won and got back home after murdering Alec, I would probably have formed a handful of enemies in District 5. Killing your own district partner is not something that sits well with the crowd.
What should I say? I think. Should I tell him the truth? Or should I agree to be allies and then just run off  before he can find me in the Games?
     I decide to tell him the truth.
     "Alec," I start, not exactly knowing how to word it. "I don't think I want any allies in the Games. I think I'm just going to do my own thing. I'm sorry."
     Alec's mouth curves down in a slight, defeated frown. He opens his mouth to say something, but I interrupt him.
     "It's not anything personal. It's just...I think I would be better off if...I was alone," I stutter. "Like I just explained, having other companions could potentially be dangerous. I don't want to have to, you know, follow someone else's rules," I finish lamely.
"But you're probably too smart to let anyone get in your way like that. I don't really think you would let that happen. And I'm kind of smart myself. If we were to become allies, I think we would be a decent team." Then he adds, "I just don't want to be in the arena alone."
I decide to fess up and finally tell Alec the real reason I don't want to team up with him.
"Okay," I start. "I understand your point, but...I just don't want to have knew..."
Alec looks down and says, "I know. But the chances of that happening are slim. We probably won't be the last two people standing. And if we were, then..." He trails off, unsure of what to say.
"Then what?" I say.
He clasps his hands together, obviously uncomfortable, and says, "If we were the last two tributes left, then we would just...split apart and...wait until one of us dies from natural causes."
I look at him and raise my eyebrows. If he thinks for one second we could get away with that plan, then he must be really, really desperate.
"Alec, this is the Hunger Games." I say. "Do you really think the Gamemakers are going to let us just sit out the end of the Games? If it gets down to the two of us, it's the finale. You're too smart to think that that would actually happen. Look, I get your point; we could make a good team, but I just don't want to have allies in the arena. I want to operate alone. I'm sorry."
I feel a little bad, but if I want to win the Games, I can't be too soft towards my opponents. But Alec is a different story. But he's my district partner, so I have to show a little compassion towards him, don't I? He must seriously be afraid of being in the arena alone to think of desperate excuses like that.
"Maybe you could try to find some other tributes during training who want to become allies with you," I suggest, just to give him a little hope that he might not have to be alone in the arena.
Alec sits there for a second, pondering the idea of finding other tributes to team up with him. Finally he says, "Okay. I guess I could. Maybe I'll try to get District 3 to become allies with me. The tributes from that district are normally pretty smart."
"Yeah, that's a great idea," I say, trying to encourage him. "I think we should go to bed now. It's getting late, and we have training tomorrow at ten."
"Okay," says Alec. "Well, see you in the morning."
"See you in the morning," I reply. I make my way to my room, making sure I don't look Alec in the eye as we pass each other.


     As all twenty-four tributes stand in a circle around the Cornucopia, Claudius Templesmith's voice counts down sixty seconds. Alec is on a platform about six people down from where I stand on my own platform. The announcer stops counting, and the gong sounds in my ears. I run, away from the Cornucopia and towards a vast, dense forest. Suddenly, Alec is on me, armed with a razor-sharp knife, attacking me. I swing my elbow into his face, aiming for his mouth but catching his nose instead. I feel my feet slip out in front of me and twist my torso toward Alec. But I don't see Alec; I see Lila, yelling at me, her face beat red in anger. She's asking me why I didn't ally with Alec. Why I left him to die in the arena. Why I left him alone—
     I gasp for air as I realize that I'm not in the arena, that Alec is not attacking me. I have to remind myself that I'm just in my room, and Alec must be in his. A wave of guilt washes through me. But before I can change my mind about teaming up with Alec, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep again, dreading the next day.


"Rise and shine! It's going to be a big day!" I hear Cordelia say in a loud, singsong voice.
What a nice way to wake up, I think sarcastically. I really don't want to go to training today. I have no idea what stations I'll end up at, or if I'll even perform well in any of them.
     I slide out of bed, immediately missing the comfort and warmth of the blankets, and say, "Okay. I'll be right there." I get dressed in my training cloths and suddenly remember the wilted flower Calla gave me as a token in the arena for good luck. I search for the cloths I wore for the reaping and find the little flower in the hidden pocket of the dress and put it in my pant pocket for good luck in training, just as Calla had said. Then I join Lila and Nicolas in the dining room for breakfast. Just as I'm loading my plate with scrambled eggs, I see Alec walk into the room, looking down at the floor. Clearly, he's trying to avoid looking at me. Good. I hope it stays that way.
     He sits down across from Nicolas, still staring at his feet, and says, "When do we have to be at training?" Of course, he knows perfectly well training starts at 10:00, and according to Cordelia, we must arrive at least twenty minutes early. Obviously he's trying to avoid conversing with me.
"Ten o'clock," responds Nicolas. "But Cordelia wants you there earlier. "
     "Okay," says Alec. "That's what I thought." He fiddles with his fork, waving it around in little half-circles between his index and middle finger. He's not doing a very good job of hiding his discomfort. I sit there for a second and wonder if I should talk to him about our conversation last night, but Lila interrupts my thought process.
     "So, Alec, Fleta, when you're in the training center, make sure you spend a little time in the weapons section. Try to get as familiar with a knife or something as you possibly can. But—"
     Alec cuts her off. "Why? We only have three days. What's the point of trying to use a weapon when we probably won't be able to? Isn't that just a waste of time?"
     "Well, if you're in the arena being cornered by another tribute, or if someone is advancing and coming at you, it might be useful for you to at least know how to properly hold a knife, wouldn't it? And instinct would let in as well," counters Lila.
     "I guess so," says Alec. "Sorry. That was a stupid question."
     "It's okay," says Lila. "I know you're both a little nervous."
     A little nervous would be an understatement. I'm really not all too excited to be in the training center where all twenty-four tributes will be gathered with weapons. Of course, harming another tribute before the gong sounds is not permitted, but still, it's just another reason why I'm dreading training.
     "Fleta, you've been awfully quiet this morning. Are you all right?" asks Lila.
     I realize I've been staring at my food the entire time, not eating it. I pick my head up and say, "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I'm just, um, thinking about what I'm going to do during training. You know, what stations to go to and all."
     "Do you have anything planned yet?" asks Nicolas.
     "Uh,," I say. Now I'm just making a fool of myself.
     "Have you ever used a weapon before?" Nicolas says.
     "No," I answer. "Unless you count slicing vegetables with a knife."
     "I'm afraid I don't," says Nicolas with a chuckle. "But I agree with Lila. Make sure you do get your hands on a weapon a bit. A knife would probably be easiest at this point, considering you've never used a weapon before."
"Okay," says Alec. Right as we finish eating, Cordelia sticks her head in the room.
"Time for training!" she exclaims.


We take the elevator on the way to the training center. It's completely glass all around, and I feel like it's going to shatter under my feet; it must be very thick and strong to hold up.
On the way, Cordelia is telling us how gorgeous we looked during our chariot ride through the Capitol last night, but I'm not listening. I'm so nervous for training and my anxiety level is increasing with every step towards the Training Center.
     Finally we arrive at the double doors and Cordelia says, "Now remember, Lila and Nicolas want you both to practice with a weapon for just a little while okay?"
     "All right. But I'm not spending the whole day on it though." says Alec, clearly annoyed. He can really be ignorant sometimes. He opens the door and we both enter the Training Room.

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