Author's Note

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First off, I want to say thank you for reading this book! And thank you for all the votes and comments. I really appreciated it. But most of all, thank you for giving me confidence in my writing. I know I'm not the greatest writer, but I try. And all of you who got to end of this book never gave up on me. And I truly want to thank you for that.

This is the first book I ever started on Wattpad, and it's been one of the best journeys in my life. I love to write, and nothing is better than when I have the support of all of you guys.

I also want to apologize for how long it took me to write this book. I know I took forever to update. Often times it took me several months. I've just been so busy with high school and everything, and I just haven't had enough time to really focus on my writing. I hope you understand.

I never would have dreamed that my book, something that I wrote, would reach over two thousand views. Never in a million years. But because of you guys, it did. And I really appreciate it.

Thank you all for the best support I could have asked for!


Update: It's now April of 2021 and I cannot believe I wrote this fanfic almost 4 years ago!And the fact that it's reached over 11k views is crazy, I remember getting so excited when it reached 1k so long ago! I just want thank you all again for reading and supporting this story! I did not expect to get this many views on a Foxface fanfic and I'm really grateful to all you readers!

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