Chapter 2

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I don't think I could have been more shocked if he'd waltzed into my apartment and started a strip tease.

"A job where?"

"At Jurassic World."  Right, naturally because that was exactly how this whole scenario was supposed to play out.

"Jurassic World?  The dinosaur theme park you're building?"

"Are you OK dear? You look somewhat pale?"  Oh, I bet I looked pale.

"You, came here personally, to offer me a job at a dinosaur park?" I stumbled back to my couch and picked up the closest beer bottle tipping it back.  Empty.  Life was so cruel sometimes.

Simon shifted uncomfortably in his chair.  This wasn't making sense.  Why would Simon Masrani want me to work at his theme park?  Why would he come here personally to offer me the job?  What the hell did he expect me to do?

"You said I came highly recommended."  This statement came complete with air quotes.  "Who recommended me?"

"Katashi Hamada."

Well, fuck.  "He works at your dinosaur park?"

"Jurassic World."  Potato freaking po-tah-to.  "And yes, technically, he works at the park."

"Technically?  That sounds like a bullshit answer."

"I have to say Jo, talking to you is so refreshing.  Most people tip toe around me and tell me only what I want to hear, but you simply speak your mind."  He almost sing songed with amusement.  I spoke three languages, English, sarcasm and real shit.  Most people didn't find that talent so amusing.

"It's a disease. I'm taking medication and getting shots," I deadpanned.  "Is that the job offer? To walk around and be your no bullshit person?"

"As amusing as that would be, no.  As I said, Mr. Hamada recommended you to me.  He works at the park, but was hired by a company I recently acquired, International Genetics."

This was too much; my bullshit meter was pegged to red at this point.  "No offense to my 'ol pal Hamada's intellect, but why would InGen need a former Army and SWAT guy?"

Simon's sly smile told me my instincts hadn't completely abandoned me, I was right on the money this time.

"Quite right Jo.  InGen has acquired several military contracts recently and, as such, has quite an impressive security division now."

"You still haven't told me how I fit into this," I said, massaging my temples.

"While InGen is a part of my company they have their own internal leadership.  As such, that leadership has sole control over certain aspects of the park given we at Masrani Global are unable to fill similar roles.  You Jo, would help eliminate that problem."

The drummer boy in my head had finally decided to take a water break, and my hamster was back on its wheel.  With the wheels in my head turning at a slow, but steady rate, his angle was starting to take shape.

"InGen heads up whatever security force you plan to have at the park?"  Simon nodded his head in agreement.  "So, I would be working for InGen?  As security?  That's the job?"  I wasn't real interested in being a rent-a-cop at a theme park, but my landlord was pretty adamant about paying rent with actual money.

"No. You would work for Masrani Global, me specifically, concerning security protocols and behavior analysis. Think of yourself as a consultant."

"That sounds made up."  I'm all for making things up when unable to find real solutions, but a whole job description was pushing it even for me.

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