Chapter 27

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I can be a glass half full kind of person when I need to be, so, since there wasn't too much positive happening in the tragedy that was today I choose to focus on the good news that resulted from the situation. Mainly, Simon being too traumatized by the cannibalistic dinosaur to pilot the helicopter back to headquarters. Thank god for small mercies. Once Simon re-emerged from his catatonic state he began to lobby for my involvement with the I-Rex.

"I need you to do this. You can be my eyes and ears," Simon said as we sat in his office.

"My eyes and ears aren't going to mean shit. I told you my recommendation, you need to kill that fucker," I told him bluntly. I know I told Owen I could do delicate, but that was before I watched a dinosaur go all Jeffrey Dahmer on its sister.

Simon shook his head vehemently, "I can't do that. What's done is done and we need to see how we can salvage the situation. At least think about it and let me know."

Sure, I'd get right on that.

Whether I was involved or not made very little difference from my vantage point. What was I supposed to do, take it for walks, paint its toenails, ask it nicely to not eat anyone?

I told Simon I'd let him know and made my way down to the shooting range in the basement. I was constantly amazed every time I found something else stashed away down here. It was like an adult Toys "R" Us.

I was the only one in the indoor gun range. I took my time loaded up the paper targets using the remote control to transport them downrange then put on my eye and ear protection picking up my Glock from the table. The only thing more relaxing for me than fighting was shooting. Most people probably did yoga or meditated, but my version of yoga involved wearing yoga pants while drinking.

I quickly unloaded a magazine of bullets into the target then reloaded, repeating the cycle as I mulled over Simon's offer to keep an eye on the I-Rex project. I forced myself to swallow down the bitter taste the idea left in my mouth. It was probably the best solution, all things considered. If he didn't plan on terminating the dinosaur my only real option was to be involved. I knew myself well enough to know I wouldn't be able to keep my nose out of other people's business when it came to this. I may as well accept a formal invitation to the party; that was easier than constantly sneaking around. I had to tell Owen about everything that occurred today, and let him know I'd be spending time with a bloodthirsty dinosaur in the future. I couldn't wait to have that conversation I thought removing my ear protection.

"I've never seen you look so peaceful."

What's a girl gotta do to get some alone time around here? Hoskins was like an STD, always popping up at the worst time.

I put my hands on my hips eyeing him critically. If this guy thought it was a good idea to corner me in a room full of loaded weapons he was too stupid to live.

"Is there something I can help you with Hoskins?"

He smiled walking towards me, "I thought it was time you and I had a conversation."

I raised my eyebrows at him in response. That made one of us.

"You seem confused about who is actually running things here. I would like to clear that up," he stated patronizingly. "See, Simon may own the company, but he's not in control. There are forces working behind the scenes you can't even begin to imagine."

"Like the dark side of the force?"

He frowned, "Joke all you want, I can have you removed anytime I like."

I flashed him a small smile, "Say for example, trying to feed me to the raptors?"

"How many times do you think it will take until you aren't able to pull a rabbit out of your hat?" he asked.

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