Chapter 4

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Inside unpacking the contents of my duffle bag I rolled around the idea of Owen freakin' Grady living 300 yards from my house in my head.  I wasn't surprised he lived here and not in Trump Tower with the rest of high society.  He didn't strike me as a room service and fuzzy robe type of guy.  He was the type of guy who didn't need a lot to be happy.  Probably you could give him a stick up gum, a paperclip and he'd turn into your resident Jurassic World MacGyver.  In the end, I came to the conclusion it didn't really matter where he lived because I absolutely did not care.  Mostly.

Done unpacking my clothes, toiletries and the few personal items I had brought with me I examined every inch of the Airstream with a fine-toothed comb.  Only Simon would consider living in this thing a downgrade.  It had granite countertops, a fully tiled shower, and a leather couch.  When I found the flat screen TV hidden behind a panel I made a mental note to be nicer to Simon in the future.  This was like winning the lottery.  I wondered if I needed to leave my camper to do my job because I could hole up in this thing for a while and be fine.  I was a little sad to admit it was nicer than my old apartment in Houston.

Admiring my new digs helped keep my mind off the fact I had the world's hottest neighbor living within spitting distance.  This whole schoolgirl obsession was getting old, fast.  I did not care about Owen Grady or his bulging biceps.

"Whatever.  It's not like he's that hot."  Decision officially made I stomped towards the bathroom. What I needed was a nice long, hot shower, and maybe a few rounds with my vibrator just take the edge off.  Or maybe that would just accentuate the problem.

Twenty minutes later I was clean, my hair was combed, I was dressed in my PJ's, and in search of food.  I decided to hold off on the vibrator, I'd only just got here, plenty of time for that later.  I practically skipped into the kitchen, throwing open the fridge to see what Claire considered adequately stocked.  I couldn't suppress a surge of laughter.  A row of Sam Adams and Blue Moon beer starred back at me.  I guess Simon was paying more attention than I thought at my apartment that day, and he had a pretty good sense of humor.

I decided to make a mustard and ham sandwich with potato chips crushed inside.  This contains all of the essential food groups, and science has proven you can live off of it for extended periods of time if needed.  It was one of my culinary staples.  Grabbing my Sam Adams and sandwich I made my way outside to the porch.  There was a steady breeze rolling off the coast and the sun was just setting beyond the horizon.  It was beautiful.  I didn't know how I got here, in paradise, with my feet up eating a sandwich, drinking a beer, but I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"I heard I got a new neighbor."

I paused with my sandwich half way to my mouth wondering if the universe was plotting against me.  I peered over my shoulder to see Owen walking up to the porch dressed the same as I had seen him earlier.  He looked good enough to eat.  It was going to be a long night.

"Are you the welcome committee here to drop off my house warming gift?"  He answered my question with a booming laugh.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I only found out about your arrival today so I'm a little behind on a gift."

"I guess I'll forgive you then."

He moved onto the porch, sitting in the chair beside me, propping one leg up on the table.  "Besides, it would seem you already got a house warming gift," he said, gesturing to the beer bottle.

"Friends in high places," I grinned taking a sip.  "Want one?"

"If the lady's offering."  He smiled in a way I'm sure had separated many a woman from their panties. My inner debutante was outraged, hiding under the bed at my scandalous thinking.  She was always kinda a prude.

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