Chapter 8

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Another night, another fucked up dream.  If it wasn't the hostage situation it was something from Iraq. My doctors prescribed Ambien to help a while back, but that stuff was more potent than street drugs.  I took one pill while waiting for macaroni and cheese to boil one night, and woke up passed out on my kitchen floor nine hours later.  I was lucky I hadn't burned my apartment down.

Dressed and ready for another run I set out on a similar path I had followed since my arrival.  It was still early, especially for a Saturday, but I loved the solitude, the tranquility.  I ran until the beach curved around, ending in a rock jetty that extended out into the water.  I stood there for a few minutes watching the ocean waves break against the jetty, catching my breath before turning around to head back home.  According to my Nike app the whole route was a little over five miles.

I was passing by Owen's bungalow when I noticed him outside standing at the railing, sipping a cup of coffee.  He smiled and waved like the friendly neighbor he most certainly was not.  I shot him the finger in return and kept running.

Since today was my first official day off since arriving on the island I decided to use the time wisely. After showering, shaving my lady bits and shimmying into a two-piece bikini, I scarfed down a bowl of Lucky Charms standing over the sink while filling up my travel coffee mug.  I intended to spend today lounging on the beach, sun bathing, and reading cheesy romance novels with half naked Highlanders on the cover.  Did I know how to have a good time or what?

I had been set up on the beach with my chair, coffee, cooler and Kindle for about an hour when Owen plopped down next to me in a chair.  He was sporting another set of board shorts, in an appropriate setting this time, with no shirt.  I had imagined what Owen's physique looked like a couple hundred (thousand) times, and had always assumed my imagination was fairly reliable.  I mean, I can imagine quite a bit.  As it turns out my imagination needed an upgrade.

Owen's expansive, muscled, tan chest was dusted with light blonde hairs that had me licking my lips in response.  Forget a six-pack; the man had a twelve pack that ended in a sexy V, which disappeared beneath his board shorts like a treasure map pointing directly to the promise land.  And don't get me started on his arms or legs; it just wasn't fair or natural for someone to look this good.  I was pretty sure I was panting like a dog in heat at this point.  I did a quick check to make sure I wasn't actually drooling, and my tongue was securely inside my mouth.

"You know, the FDA says tanning is bad," he said casually, leaning back in his lawn chair with his long legs stretched out in front of him.

"So is a gun shot to the knee cap, but you seem content to take the risk so I'll do the same."  See I could be mature if I needed to.  "Don't you need to go walk a raptor or relieve someone of their virginity?"

"Not today, I'm off.  Barry's taking care of the girls, and I'm fine here harassing you," he responded, closing his eyes and putting on sunglasses.

"There's about 10 miles of untouched beach either direction you look.  Are you really planning on sitting right here?"  From his lack of response or effort to move I gathered that yes, this was exactly where he planned on staying.  "Whatever."

I turned back to my book, choosing to just ignore him.  Easier said then done when a guy who could easily grace the cover of GQ magazine was sitting a foot away.  I tried to focus on my book, but my half naked Highlanders just weren't cutting it anymore.  I turned off my Kindle with a huff, glancing at Owen from behind my aviator sunglasses to find him looking utterly unaffected by my presence.

Well, that sucked.  I mean, I'm a pretty realistic person and understand where my strengths and weaknesses fall.  I know I'm not a Victoria Secret Supermodel, but I thought I was rocking my string bikini with some swagger.  After hearing Owen's soft snore ring out beside me I came to the conclusion my swagger needed some work.

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