Chapter 23

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Owen grabbed me by the hand dragging me behind him as he ran in-between the server racks. He opened the door to a small supply closet thrusting me inside following closely behind shutting the door. There was hardly space for one person in here much less two.

Owen and I were plastered together in the tiny space. I had my hands on his chest, my fingers curled around his tuxedo jacket pulling him against me trying to create space where there was none. His arms were wrapped around my waist and our legs were pinned between each others creating some pretty outstanding sensations. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest and I closed my eyes trying to think of the least sexy thing I could conjure up. I concentrated on taking mental stock of the contents of the supply closet. Mops, brooms and computer parts definitely weren't sexy, right?

I could sense him looking at me, and opened my eyes coming face to face with a very sexy looking Owen. There was enough light filtering in the closet I could see the blue in his eyes had darkened and looked almost black. His breathing was slightly erratic as he looked at me raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"You cannot be serious?" I whispered in exasperation. "Explain to me exactly how that would work?"

I knew right away saying something was a mistake. Owen's the type of man that will come crashing through the sexual innuendo door like the Kool Aid Man if you leave it open even the slightest bit.

Owen flashed me his 100-watt smile, "I'm not saying it wouldn't take creativity."

I almost fainted. Hell, I almost gave him the go ahead. Sex in a closet with Owen, I felt like everything else after that would just be icing on the cake.

"Uh, Jo. This is an open mic," Lowery said in my ear apologetically.

I pointed at my ear looking at Owen who didn't seem to give a rat's ass who heard what went on in here. I rolled my eyes so hard I saw my brain. Men.

We both turned towards the door as we heard talking in the server room. It was Watson and another technician looking for his missing access card. Thank everything holy I'd dropped that card on the desk when we first came in. I heard Watson shout triumphantly upon finding the card on the front desk, and we both breathed a sigh of relief. The voices trailed off and I was almost positive I heard the door opening then closing again. We gave it another couple of minutes just to be sure it was safe. It had absolutely nothing at all to do with being pressed up against a particularly handsome wall of solid muscle.

"All clear Jo," Lowery supplied in my ear. He sure knew how to ruin the moment.

I cracked open the door squeezing out past Owen who took a few more minutes to collect himself in the closet. Good to know I'm not the only one who thought it was a little hot in there. Once Owen exited the closet we made our way out of the lab.

I started walking back down the hall to rejoin the party when Owen's hand clamped down on my arm. I looked at him questioningly as he appeared to be listening to Barry in his ear comm.

"Three investors just exited the banquet hall headed this general direction," he said filling me in on Barry's observation.


"I heard, I'm working on it," he said typing furiously on his keyboard, "Ok, I see them. Obviously looking for the outdoor balcony if the cigars are any indication."

I sighed in relief; the balcony was on the opposite end of the hall from the server room. I was about to relay the information to Owen when Lowery's voice boomed in my ear.

"Jo, these guys have had a few too many and they took a wrong turn. They're headed straight for you."

Could we not catch a break tonight? I looked frantically at Owen who could already tell by my expression we were screwed. We both searched the hallway in vain for somewhere to hide. We couldn't get back into the server room without the access card.

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