Chapter 25

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It had been 24 hours since my emotional breakdown, and Owen and I had yet to leave his bungalow. Hell, we'd hardly left the bedroom for anything other than necessities, like food or a shower. We were insulated in his bedroom, locked away from the chaos as the world kept on spinning. I kept thinking back to one of my childhood therapists who use to tell me that sometimes the people with the worst pasts end up creating the best futures. I really hoped that lunatic was right about this one because lord knows she was wrong about everything else.

We found an easy rhythm to our relationship, and it felt like we had been together for years, not hours. Owen didn't dig deeper for any more information, and as a result, I found myself offering up tidbits here and there without even thinking about it. He would sit silently listening to whatever I chose to share giving me his undivided attention. Sometimes he would ask questions, other times he would just hold me, keeping me grounded while I recounted some of the worst moments of my life. I didn't feel awkward or self-conscious about anything I chose to tell him, instead I felt liberated, free. Owen had a way of showing he cared without it coming off like pity. He made me feel safe, cared for, and most of all, loved. In the back of my mind my inner skeptic kept telling me he was too good for me, but I didn't care. I was going to hold him tight with both hands and keep him for as long as I could.

I felt like a new person after opening myself up to Owen. I'd never seen any life transformation that didn't begin with the person in question finally getting sick of their own bullshit, and I fit that description to a tee.

Unfortunately, our little paradise came crashing down mid-morning a day and half after the gala. Time waits for no man, and apparently no one waits for Barry either. However, pounding on the outside of Owen's bungalow threatening a sexual intervention was slight overkill.

"It's been almost two days you guys! Give it a rest already," Barry yelled.

I groaned letting my head fall on Owen's chest, "What are the chances he will just go away if we ignore him?"

"Slim to none," Owen said chuckling. "Get dressed, I'll meet you outside."

I watched Owen get out of bed, wondering what I did to get so lucky and thoroughly enjoying the view as he slipped on some board shorts leaving the bedroom. Barry was such a party pooper. I sighed; I guess our little bubble was bound to burst eventually, but would it have killed the guy to wait until after breakfast? I climbed out of bed rooting through Owen's drawers for clothes, grabbing a T-shirt with 'Property of the U.S. Navy' printed across the front, and a pair of his sweatpants. I tried really hard to not bury my head in his clothes and inhale the scent like a total freak, but self-control has never been my BFF. Besides, it should be illegal for a human being to smell that good naturally so I can't be held accountable for my actions.

I made my way to the front door swinging it open instantly blinded by the blaring sunlight feeling like a vampire exposed to the sun for the first time. Maybe Barry had a point about leaving the house every few days.

I saw Owen, Barry and Lowery seated in lawn chairs littered around the side of the yard already deep in discussion about something. I made my way over sitting down in between Owen and Barry propping my bare feet up on an old milk crate.

"Wow Jo, that is one impressive walk of shame," Lowery whistled.

I debated handling the situation like an adult for about three seconds then I shot him the finger. "Did you both come over here just to critique my wardrobe? Cause I gotta tell you, I was having more fun before you showed up."

Lowery's face turned so red I was worried his head might explode, and Barry just laughed quietly shaking his head. Owen pinned me with a smoldering gaze, his eyes darkening instantly at my insinuation. Instantly my mouth dried up and I felt light headed. Boy oh boy, this man would be the death of me, but what a way to go.

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