Chapter 11

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Later that week I was sitting in Simon's office with Claire outlining exactly what happened at the raptor paddock.  I had just finished explaining my belief that Hoskins, and by association InGen, were planning to use the raptors for some kind of military application.  They both looked more than a little troubled by my hypothesis, as they should be.  It was about time people starting taking this shit seriously.

Simon was sitting with his back to Claire and me starring out the window, deep in thought.  Claire wasn't faring much better looking a little pale as she sat beside me.  I thought I had done a better than average job of delivering the news with tact, but considering this reaction I could be wrong.

"Are you guys OK?  Do you need me to get some water?"  Maybe some kind of sedative?

Simon swiveled in his chair, placing his hands on his desk.  "I understand your position Jo, but what you are proposing is outrageous.  Do you really think Mr. Hoskins believes he can control a Velociraptor to such an extent?"

Hell.  Fucking.   Yes.   That's exactly what I thought that psycho was thinking.

"Yes Simon, I do."  See, I could be subtle if the situation called for it.

"Mr. Masrani, I think our best course of action at this point is to have Jo continue to monitor the situation.  We don't have any proof they are doing anything outside the parameters of their contract," Claire said, typing furious notes on her phone.

Yes, that was one course of action. The plan in my head was more along the lines of kicking Vic Hoskins in the nuts then tossing him in the ocean.  Simon seemed to agree with Claire, nodding his head as she finished outlining what appeared to be a five-year plan for dealing with Hoskins.  This woman was so organized she probably had contingency plans for her contingency plans.  I operated by more of a fly by the seat of your pants philosophy.

With everyone's future planned for the foreseeable future I stood, getting ready to leave when I heard the unmistakable sound of gunshots firing somewhere down the hall.  Simon and Claire shot out of their seats their mouths hanging open, eyes wide.  I pulled my Glock out of my leg holster moving quickly towards the door.  I felt like I was living in a Navy SEAL commercial around this place, "the only easy day was yesterday".

"Claire, get your phone and get under the desk, call Hamada, tell him to get his ass up here now.  Simon, once I walk out this door lock it.  Do no open it until someone from ACU is on the other side."  I had my back against the wall by the door with my Glock at the ready.

"Jo, are you sure this is a good idea?  You should stay here while we wait for ACU to respond," Simon said, obviously panicked.

"This is why you brought me here Simon.  I'll be fine," I told him in what I hoped was a reassuring voice.  Hell, maybe trying to reassure myself a little too.

I nodded my head and Simon cracked the door open just enough for me to look up and down the hallway.  Seeing no lunatic lurking directly behind the door I took one last look at Simon before stepping out.  "Lock this door as soon as I'm out."

I heard two more shots coming from the lab to my left.  The floor had erupted into chaos with screaming employees and alarms blaring.  Keeping my Glock pointed in the direction the shots had originated I snagged my cell phone out of my left pocket.  I dialed the control room where Lowery Cruthers answered immediately.

"Where the fuck is ACU Lowery?"

"Jo, I can't really talk now we kinda have a situation here."  I rolled my eyes.

"No shit Sherlock, I'm in the middle of your situation.  The shots came from the lab.  I'm on my way now.  Why hasn't ACU stormed this floor yet?"

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