Chapter 21

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I was on the edge of sleeping and waking surrounding by a cocoon of warmth. I was so comfortable I didn't want to move, much less get up, but I could hear an incessant ringing somewhere in the distance. I snuggled deeper into the bed sighing sleepily. Whoever was calling at this hour could just leave a message.

"Someone seems dead set on talking to you," Owen said drowsily.

My whole body locked up as I became acutely aware of where I was, and more specifically, who I was with. Sometime during the night I had outright invaded Owen's side of the bed. I was practically lying on top of him with my head on his chest, my left arm slung over his waist, and my leg hooked around his. I had basically made Owen my own personal Pillow Pet.

I slowly lifted my head off his chest looking at his face not so subtly checking to make sure I hadn't drooled all over him. His left arm was looped around my body resting on my shoulder as he traced random patterns against my skin. His eyes look tired with sleep, and he was rocking the most adorable bed head in history. I swallowed loudly beginning the complicated process of extricating my body from his. I quickly moved back to my side of the bed throwing my face into the pillow thinking that whoever was in charge of making sure I didn't do stupid shit needed to be fired.

"You're not going to freak out now are you?" Owen asked humor evident in his voice.

"Me? Nope. I'm totally and completely fine. No freaking out whatsoever," was my muffled reply through the pillow.

Owen laughed deep in his chest and I felt him get out of bed and walk into the living room. I flipped over onto my back in a spread eagle. I had just had one of the best nights sleep in my entire life, complete with no nightmare, with Owen. I didn't know you could be so content in bed with a man while keeping your clothes on. I should write this down in my diary later.

I felt the warmth still radiating from Owen's side of the bed. The man was like a human heater. I moved over to his recently vacated spot burrowing down, throwing the covers over my head. It was like being surrounded by hot towels fresh out of the dryer. I choose to ignore the fact it also probably made me look like a total creeper.

I heard Owen walk back into the room stopping just short of the bed, "You have five missed calls from Zara and about 15 text messages. I have to be reading these wrong because it says someone named Bilbo needs you for a final fitting."

"Tell her to leave me alone. The gala isn't until seven o'clock tonight. It can't possible take that long to get ready," I told him from underneath the covers.

I heard him typing something into my phone quickly hitting send. I didn't care what Bilbo and the Three Stooges wanted, I wasn't leaving this particular spot for at least seven or eight hours. Minimum.

My phone chirped almost immediately. "Zara says if you don't want to end up in neon pink taffeta you better be at headquarters by noon."

I shot out of bed like the demons of Hell were chasing me. I grabbed the phone out of Owen's hand quickly texting Zara I would be there by noon.

"Do I want to know what that was all about?" Owen asked retreating back towards the kitchen.

"Not even a little." I followed him out taking a seat at the small kitchenette. I tried to conjure up the worst possible scenario when it came to Bilbo's dress "innovation" while Owen poured us both a cup of coffee. I was so nervous I had resorted to biting my nails.

I got up from my seat joining him in the kitchen, "If I end up wearing 100 pounds of hideous fabric in a really off putting color you'll still talk to me tonight, right?"

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