Chapter 13

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I have trust issues.  Dr. Price would probably say this stems from my unresolved childhood trauma. Personally, I think it stems from people lying to me.  Which was why I was in my Jeep on the way to a beach bonfire of all things.

I've never actually been to a beach bonfire before, but when they took place in movies it always involved high school kids, kegs, and a shit ton of angst.  At least that's what they looked like when I watched Beverly Hills 90210.  I guess when you're living on an isolated island off the coast of Costa Rica you had to improvise.

According to Cindy, who's a barista at the Starbucks on Main Street, this was going to be an "epic" party and "everyone" would be there.  Most of the time when Cindy talks I just smile and nod.  She talked too fast and used too many adjectives I've never heard of to be able to hold a coherent conversation with the 19 year-old, but when my caffeine deprived mind heard her mention this drunk fest I perked up.  I hoped she wasn't full of shit with regards to the party because my plan depended on almost everyone, save maybe Simon and Claire, being here tonight.  Nobody expects anyone at a beach bonfire to be plotting corporate espionage behind their bosses back.

As I drove up to the beach I was pleasantly surprised to find Cindy was a reliable source of information when it came to nightlife on the island.  There were tons of cars parked haphazardly in a makeshift parking lot with people slowly trickling down to the beach.

Parking my Jeep I surveyed the beach.  Too bad I was here for nefarious purposes because this party didn't look half bad.  I didn't even see anyone accusing their best friend of sleeping with their super hot, James Dean look alike boyfriend, but the night was still young.  I got out and tossed my flip flops in the passenger seat before walking down the sand trail that led to the beach.  The party was already in full swing with people milling about surrounding a huge bonfire that looked about one log away from being out of control.  Smokey the Bear would not be happy.

It didn't take long to spot the guy I was looking for perched awkwardly on some rocks away from most of the partygoers.

"Hey Lowery, nice shirt," I said, sitting down beside him on the rock.  He was sporting an old school Jurassic Park T-shirt with old blue board shorts.  He had a blue Solo cup filled to the brim with a reddish drink.

"Thanks, Vivian says it's insensitive."  He looked bumped that his secret flame didn't approve of his vintage $150 T-shirt.

"Shake it off buddy.  She'll come around," I consoled him, nudging him with my shoulder.  He handed me a cup of my own and I cautiously sniffed the drink.  "What's in this?"

"I'm not entirely sure.  Marco, the manager at Margaritaville, made it.  Other than the 15 bottles of different liquor I saw him pour in it could be anything."

"Sounds great," I replied, taking a tentative sip.  Yummy, not bad Marco.

"I gotta be honest Jo.  I'm not comfortable with whatever it is you're planning."

"I haven't told you what I'm planning yet.  You can't get all freaked out until you hear the details."  I was halfway through my Marco concoction and was feeling pretty good.  Lowery had barely sipped his own drink, and already looked ready to faint.

"Why did we have to do this here?" he asked, looking around the beach.

"Because it's the perfect cover.  Everyone's here and everyone's drinking.  We are just two co-workers sitting on a rock, hanging out."  As I looked around I saw the party was raging.  Someone had cranked the music up, people were laughing and dancing in different groups.

"And you knew no one would think twice about us being together," Lowery supplied, setting his cup down on the rocks.  "Just lay it on me Jo."

"Jesus, calm down.  I'm not asking you to infiltrate Al-Qaeda."  Finishing my own drink I picked up Lowery's.  No need to let good liquor go to waste.  "I just need you to hack into InGen's laboratory computer system and tell me what kinds of animal DNA they are messing with."

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