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Friend #1: *to Friend #2* You're Emo!

Friend 2: I AM NOT EMO! HOW AM I EMO?!

Friend 1: Because you cut yourself and you need help!

Friend 2: But I only do it to drink the blood!

Friend 2: *turns to me* Do I look Emo?!

Me: *shrugs*

Me: Emo is a music style, by the way.

Friend 1: No, it isn't. Emos are people who are sorta goth-like, and just overall depressed.

Me: No, it's actually a music style.

Friend 2: Nope. Emos are people that cut themselves.

Me: *facepalm*

11037 FUCKBOYS AND COUNTING (FOURTH RANDOMNESS BOOK BIATCH)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang