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After Shyla got a kiss on the forehead from Dmitri, he went back out to the backyard and winked at Shyla. After, he winked at Shyla, Camillia and Catlin saw everything Dmitri did to Shyla they ran
out to the front yard and ran towards Shyla. When Camillia got in the front yard she saw Shyla and lunged towards her and attempted knocked her down but didn't even move an inch. And instead Shyla and Camillia falling it was only Camillia falling on the hard ground. "Why did I even try to do that? You're obviously a werewolf, Shadow Knight, and witch! Too strong!" Camillia commented. "Okay. What do you want anyways?" Shyla asks. Camillia was on the ground trying to get up but couldn't because of all of the inside squealing going on in her mouth. "DMITRI. KISSED. YOU." Camillia said. "ON. THE. FOREHEAD." Shyla commented. Camillia kept on squealing in her mouth. "Shyla, you go talk to your parents. I'll try to calm Camillia down A LOT." Catlin ordered Shyla to do. Shyla nodded and headed towards the front door to the backyard. She got in the backyard looking for Laurance and Lucinda. She found Laurance and Lucinda talking to Travis and Katelyn and walked towards them. "Mom, Dad can I talk to you guys for a minute please?" Shyla asks. "Hold on one secon----" "Go Laurance if she needs to talk to you let her." Travis interrupted. Laurance nodded and held Lucinda's hand and went with Shyla inside. They went in the living room and sat down on Aphmau and Aaron's loveseat and sofa. "Go first Shyla." Lucinda said. "Okay thank you mom. First thing I want to say is that I am SO SO SO SO SO sorry for calling you guys "back stabbing sons of bitches that work for the Demon Warlock". I was very angry that you guys never told me that I was your biological daughter and lied to me and called me your "adopted" daughter. It hurt me emotionally. A lot." Shyla explained, "And Dmitri told me part of the reason why you guys had to leave me." "yes but we can tell you the whole thing if we need to." Laurance tells her. Shyla nods fast in agreement. "Okay. I'm a Shadow Knight and the new Shadow Lord made a new law that said that no Shadow Knights can have any kids. Nobody thought it was a big deal but Dmitri's uncle Gene and his wife Sasha had just had their very first kid and the new Shadow Lord found out and had the child get hunt down and take it to the nether. So new Shadow Knights had held the baby on the ground and had Gene and Sasha watch everything that happened. They cut off the baby's head. That was one of Gene and Sasha's punishments. Their last punishment was that either they are forced to stay out of the nether. Or they are stripped from their Shadow Knight forms or technically half of their life. Which means they go through internal burning pain and would later die from it." Laurance explained. "So they chose the first one? That's so easy!" Shyla comments. "No it's not us Shadow Knights have to visit the nether occansionally to keep yourself rejoiced and energized in your Shadow Knight form which makes you extremely tired. But since I still visit I bring them tea to keep them rejoiced and energized." Laurance explained. "So that's why you guys had to leave me in a wolf's den? Because you guys didn't want me to die?" Shyla asks. "Well you are our I think technically our second child. Our first one was before the new Shadow Lord and unfortunately we had a miscarriage of our son Lucas." Lucinda explains and begins to tear up. Shyla doesn't ask questions, she just gets up and walks over to Lucinda giving her a hug. "I understand why you guys had to leave me. To protect me." Shyla said. She begins to tear up, Lucinda and Laurance scoot over to the other side of the sofa and cuddled Shyla to comfort her and she hugs them back but tighter. "Listen, Shyla. We love you a WHOLE bunch. We would never give you up in a thousand years, but since the new Shadow Lord we were forced to. They even came to the neighborhood and almost found you and tried to kill you. But your mom teleported you somewhere at the last second. We won the fight and enforced them to surrender. And they warned us that they'll be watching us." Laurance explained. Shyla listen to the first part but after that she just kept on hugging. They finished hugging and went back outside to the get together. Shyla tried looking for Camillia and Catlin and then remembered that Catlin went to calm Camillia down until Dmitri scared Shyla again. "Hey!" "GAH! Why would you do that again?!" Shyla yelled . "I'm sorry I really didn't mean to scare you that bad. So how did the conversation between you and your parents go?" Dmitri asked. "It went good they told me every detail why they had to leave me. Other than that it went really awesome." Shyla answered. "Hey can I talk to you in private for a really quick second? It's kinda important." Dmitri asks. "Sure." Shyla followed Dmitri. While Dmitri was walking he was breathing really heavy and kinda shaking. "So I know that we just met. But I REALLY like you. Not the "Travis way" but my way which is true beauty. Every girl that has ever had a crush on me has tried TOO hard to make me like them back. They either wore too much make up like 10 pounds of make up or very revealing clothes." Dmitri begins to blush bad. "I know Catlin told me that part. And I can tell that you like me..." Shyla begins to blush herself. Dmitri ran up to Shyla quickly and kissed her on the lips. He pulled away seeing Shyla surprised and thought that she didn't like it and looked down at the ground. Shyla brought Dmitri's head back up and kissed him back for a long time. They removed their lips from each other and Dmitri asks her what he wanted to, "Shyla Zvhal will you go out with me?" "What does that mean?" Shyla asks. "It means will you be my girlfriend?" Shyla went silent for a little while and Dmitri began to become disappointed. "Yes." Shyla answered and Dmitri's face lit up and they kissed again held hands and walked away. Then Laurance saw them holding hands, ran over to them, took Dmitri and threw him into the pool. After Dmitri got in the pool he winked at Shyla and she blushes. Then Laurance throws something at Dmitri to make him stop looking at his daughter. Then Catlin and Camillia ran over to Shyla and they said, "We didn't tell him to ask you out. We promise." And Shyla just smiles and says, "I know. His lips taste like cupcakes." Catlin and Camillia look at each other and squeal out loud.

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