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Shyla's POV~~~~~~~~

We begin to walk over to Camilla and Cole's house to swim and I saw that Gage was behind me looking at something of mine.

"Gage! Walk in front of me!" Dmitri yells.

"Nah, I'm good back here." Gage comments and keeps staring at my butt.

"I didn't ask you to walk in front of me! I'm making you walk in front of me! Now!" Dmitri grabs Gage's arm and yanks him in front of him.

"Alright alright alright dude. Chilllll. You're making me miss the movie." Gage comments.

"Gage. Turn around." Gage turns around towards Dmitri's way and kicks him in the nuts.

"Owww! F*** that hurt!" Gage falls on the ground about to cry.

"That's what you get for staring at my girlfriend's ass!" Gage gets up and gives Dmitri a look and keeps on walking.

"Hey Dmitri. How many girlfriends have you had?" He looks at me and looks up at the sky then looks back at me.

"Two. My cousin Veronica doesn't believe her mom that I'm her cousin and she wouldn't stop asking me out. But, she is so demanding and rude. She wouldn't stop saying stuff about Jason and how he's better." He rolls his eyes.

"Sounds like she's trying to complete a fantasy that she can't get." I comment and Dmitri chuckles and looks at me and smiles.

"Then there's my ex-girlfriend/ best friend, Jewels. Her real name is Julia but everyone calls her Jewels. Her and I were really good friends from kindergarten. She was really a good friend. She's Camilla, Cole, and Catlin's REALLY great friend. They accepted me also. Catlin and I were really the only kids in our school that had colored hair. Jewels would come over to my house a lot. I went to a  lot of her parties and she went to a lot of others and brought me along as her plus one so that I could make more friends. Then in 5th grade she got bullied a lot in our new school. Her and I had all of our classes together and with her bullies." He begins to tear up.

"What would they do to her?" I ask and wipe away his tears from his eyes.

"They would tell her to go kill herself and that she doesn't even have a meaning to even be alive. It got so bad that she decided to cut herself. I was at her house one day for her and I to do homework together and also because my mom and Zane were at their old high school football game. And I remember she acted differently. She said, 'I'll be right back.' And then I asked her, 'Are you okay? You haven't been yourself lately.' She stopped in her tracks and turned around and said that she was fine and just had to use the bathroom. She was in there for about 10 minutes cause I heard the water running and it got me worried. Then she came out with a long-sleeved shirt on and she acted fine. then I said that I have to use the restroom and I went in there and saw blood stains on the bathtub floor and I found a razor blade in her medicine cabinet." He clenches his fists.

"It's okay. Keep going." Dmitri seemed really close to this girl and I wondered if he still had feelings for her.

"I went out of the bathroom and asked her why she was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and she said that she got cold. Then I got closer to her then rolled one of her sleeves up and I saw that she cut herself. And I absolutely lost it. I asked her why she would do that. And she said because people are so angry that she's around and that if she's dead everyone would be happier without her. And I just looked at her surprised and she began to cry and dropped to her knees crying so much. That was the most tears that I've ever seen. I began to cry myself and wondered how Catlin, Cole, and Camilla didn't know about this. So all I did was get on my knees and hug her. And I promised her that I'll help her out through it and that I won't let one of my best friends die just because of other people. And it kinda got worse. I had let the teachers know that something was going on with her family and bullying problems and asked if I could sit behind her or next her. They said, 'Oh of course! If it's bullying and family problems and she needs her friends near her then I'll be happy to do it only if it's not to talk during class.'  I told Jewels and she was happy that I kept my promise and want to help her get her out of her hell." He smiles.

"Wow. Keep going I like the story." He smiles and continues.

"But what I didn't know that it was guys bullying her. I always thought it was girls. Then about one week later the bullying became all onto me. They all thought we were dating. Especially, Baldof he kept on pushing me to kiss her and I refused to because she was my best friend. Then one day I was at one of my baseball games and I was sitting out an inning and I saw that Baldof was with a pocket knife and trying to force Jewels to cut herself so that he could see her die in front of him. I ran over there and before the knife touched her skin I yanked the knife out of her hand and threw it into the woods. And he said, 'What the hell is wrong with you?! That was my knife!' And I told him, 'Okay then go get it little puppy. Fetch! I'm not let other people force my best friend cut herself.' Then he got so angry that he tried punching me but he missed. Then I threw a punch back at him and hit his nose. Then we get in a huge fight behind the bleachers. I wasn't allowed to pitch for 7 games since I was standing up for a friend. And so that I could keep an eye on Jewels they asked her to join the team and she was one of the best people on the team." He chuckles and I smile.

"Can I join the team?" I ask. And Dmitri nods his head and continued the story.

"Then a while after she joined the team I asked her on a date to a high school baseball game. My family kept a distance from us and we loved the date so much that we actually started dating. We dated for a month probably, but when we broke up it was hard for both of us because we just didn't think it was working out and that we were better off as friends. And we still are. I really think that you guys will be good friends." Dmitri finishes his story and I smile and agree with him.

"I really do think that. She sounds awesome." I agree with him.

"Speaking of Jewels, she supposed to come over later." Cole comments.

"Really? That's awesome! How's she doing?!" Dmitri asks he sounds excited to see her again.

"She's doing really good! I heard who her crush is also!" Camilla comments.

"Who?" I ask.

"She has a crush on Gage." Catlin responds.

"GAGE???!!!!" Dmitri and I say together.


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