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We were flying away from here. If my secret was blown, my world would be over, molecule by molecule. In some ways, I was sad Tucker and Sam were here. I didn't want them to get dragged into my problems when they had their own. "Dude," Tucker said, snapping me back to the real world. "When'd you get changed?" I looked at him for a moment and then laughed. "A friend of mine made me put it on," I said. Sam smiled. "Now," I said. "We have to find a safe place to go."

"Ain't no safe place for you, ghost!" Oh, God. Not these two again. I glared. "You still think I'm a ghost? Seriously? Wow. Well, okay. Not all ghosts are evil. If I really am a ghost, what makes you think I'm evil? For all you know, I could help people!" Sam glared, her face saying, Don't listen to em. Their crazy kids who wanna kill you. I nodded. True.

My life was horror. Everyone hates ghosts except for non-ghost hunters.

We took off, faster than those kids could run. Our hover boards speeding faster than we hoped. I knew this direction: the road to Wisconsin. We were headed to Wisconsin, hoping Vlad would save of from tis nightmare.

*Twelve and a half weeks later*

"I think I see Vlad's mansion- ahem, castle," Tucker breathed. We were tired, but we managed to sleep every once in a while. I hope Vlad will let us stay and not kill us or clone me, I prayed. He had a good heart for my mom, my dad absolutely not, Jazz unknown, and me probably hate. This time, I hope he'd put our differences behind and help us.

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