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We had arrived at Vlad's home. I knocked. "Uncle Vlad? Are you home?" I called. The door opened. I saw Danielle. "Dani?" I said. "What are you doing here?"

"I came home," she said. "I came home because I knew you were coming. Dad's out doing something, but he told me to wait for you guys and let you in when you arrived. So, welcome in!" I smiled. Thank lord, Dani. And surprisingly, thanks, Vlad. We would survive.

*The next day*

I yawned. The first time I slept in a bed for a long time. Sam and Tucker where in the rooms on either side of mine. Vlad had cooked a full course meal for us. I felt like Vlad actually loved me. Not possible. He would've taken this for granted, yet he didn't. Something wasn't right and I knew it. But, how would I prove it?

Lost in thought, I went to the window and hot slammed in the head by a boomerang with a note. I read the note out to myself, "Danny, where are you? Are you okay? Are you safe? Are you hurt? I'm sorry that this had to happen. Wherever you are, write back and stay there. We have to find you otherwise mom and dad will ground me. Also, Dipper and Mabel are grounded and in serious trouble(if you cared) and I don't wanna be in that position with them though I had nothing to do with it. Please, tell me where you are. -Jazz."

So they were looking for me? Sorry to them, but I'm not telling. When I want to leave, I will. Though, Jazz did sound desperate...

No. Not this time. I already let my guard down once.

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