Chapter 6 - Part 1

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After the little mishap in the kitchen that morning, Noah decided he'd be more careful about the things he said and did around Veronica. Obviously, she had her reservations still. The last thing he wanted was to weird her out again and have her change her mind about their arrangement.

Truth was her long soft curls had taken him by surprise. Normally, she wore her hair up in a ponytail, and he'd never noticed the curls like he did this morning. Then when he was close enough to take in the scent of her hair, he'd greedily leaned in to get an even closer smell when she turned around. To his enormous relief, he was pretty sure she hadn't caught him sniffing her.

The ride to Abel's was somewhat quiet, but he managed to make some small talk, mostly about the weather then a little about Abel's truck. He was now anxious to get her back into the gym where he knew she'd be in her comfort zone again. More than that, he was anxious to know why a woman her age was still alone. She'd been overweight when she first started working out, but she'd told him she only gained the weight in the past year or so. Clearly from what he saw now and in all the pictures all over the house, she'd been attractive up until she started letting herself go. Even then, when he first met her, he didn't think her unattractive, just out of shape and noticeably self-conscious about it.

As far as he was concerned, she was where she should be weight wise now. But judging from her skimpy breakfast, she wasn't satisfied yet. Based on her reaction to even touching him and the way she still remained far off of personal subjects, his telling her he thought she looked perfect now or finding out more about her personal life would have to wait. He had to take it real slow if he didn't want her bolting for the door again.

Abel and the guys were waiting outside his foster parents' house when he and Veronica drove up. In addition to Abel, his younger brother Hector and Gio would all be helping him move his things.

Abel, who would most likely be fighting as a heavyweight soon as big as he was getting, crossed his arms in front of him, leaning against his truck.

"Are they all boxers like you?" Veronica peered at them as they pulled up next to Abel's truck.

"Yeah, even the younger one."

"Which one is the younger one? They all look so young."

That made Noah frown. "Of the two taller ones, Gio is my age and Abel is a year younger. Hector is Abel's younger brother."

She nodded then turned to him as she stopped the car. "Well, get to it." She then glanced up at the sky. "Looks like it's gonna start up soon. I'm stopping at the market on my way back. Anything in particular you want me to grab for you?"

It was weird to feel like someone was looking out for him but a good weird. Noah reached in his pocket. They were going to have to figure something out soon, but for now, he'd just offer her some cash. He pulled out a couple of twenties, handing them to her. "Just grab the usual stuff you'd normally get and lots of eggs."

She stared at the two twenties apprehensively.

"You need more?" he asked, reaching in his pocket again.

"No! It's just that . . . Well . . ."

"Take it." He shook the twenties at her. "We'll figure this whole grocery money, rent, and utilities thing out later." Then their eyes met. "Tonight over dinner."

He realized how that sounded. Just because he was renting a room in her house didn't mean they'd be sharing meals or spending time together. He'd inadvertently set a dinner date for them tonight—assuming she didn't have other plans. He held his breath and waited to see how she'd react.

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