Chapter 14 - Part 2

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Saturday's workout was a short one again. Roni wanted to leave early to shower and get ready for the dinner. Most of the other guys were just rinsing off at the gym and going straight there. In the past, Noah would've done the same. He wasn't kidding when he said it was completely informal, but tonight felt different.

Ever since he'd held Roni so close a few nights earlier, he still hadn't gotten over the electric current that had pierced through his body. He'd never felt anything like it, but most memorable and what he hadn't stopped thinking about was she'd felt something too. It was undeniable. Though she fought it, Noah had seen it in her eyes—felt it in her trembling body. It gave him hope—hope that if she was feeling for him what he wouldn't even try denying he felt for her anymore, then maybe somehow he could convince her things could work between them.

Noah understood her fear of ruining their friendship. He feared that also—more than feared it. He didn't even like to think of the two of them going their separate ways. But that would only happen if things didn't work out, and he didn't see how they couldn't. They got along so well. She was the perfect girl for him as far as he was concerned. Fuck the age difference. That didn't mean shit to him. Now that she put it out there that her biggest fear was ruining what they had, he was even more hopeful that the age thing was becoming less of an issue for her.

Tonight was the beginning of "Operation Make-Her-See-That-We're-Meant-for-Each-Other."

After showering, he splashed a little extra aftershave on. She'd mentioned before that she liked it. There was a knock at his bedroom door just as he slipped his jeans on. He zipped them up and clasped the button. "Come on in."

The door opened halfway and immediately her eyes widened. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to—"

"It's okay," he chuckled as he slipped into his shirt. Her reaction to seeing him shirtless was amusing as hell. "I'm almost ready. You ready to go?"

She pushed the door open a little further. "I know you said it's very informal, but you don't think this is too informal?"

He couldn't believe his luck. He had the go-ahead to size her up completely, something he did often but only when she wasn't looking. She even lifted her arms at her sides. Thank you, Jesus. He took her in slowly from top to bottom and then back up again. She wore jeans and her gray boots with the fur, the kind he loved seeing her in. Her V-necked sweater matched her boots, and those adorable dark curls hung loose around her face. He swallowed hard and realized he'd done far more than just size her up. His eyes had just about violated her.

"You're ... You look great." He caught himself before saying what he really wanted to say: that she was beautiful, remembering how spooked their near-kiss made her. For a moment after she'd fallen into his arms, he'd thought she might bolt from the room like she had before. It had almost hurt to let go of her.

She crinkled her nose, making him smile. "I'm not too casual? I mean I know the place is totally casual, but this is a Christmas dinner."

"Trust me. Most of the guys are going there straight from the gym. Jack probably is too, and you've seen how he dresses."

Her expression relaxed. "Okay, well, then I guess I'm ready whenever you are."

Noah finished getting his shoes on, and they were on their way. When he pulled up onto the restaurant's narrow street, he took in how many cars were already in the restaurant's parking lot. Every year this little Christmas shindig got bigger. They'd have to look for a new place next year or stick with Rio's. He didn't mention to Roni that one of the reasons it was either this place or Rio's was because they were the only two places they knew of that didn't card. She didn't need another reminder that he was too damn young for anything.

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